Sunday, 5 June 2011

How come, you can change your gender, but you can't change your age? (explained...)?

Okay, so you might want to change your gender, because let%26#039;s say, you feel like you%26#039;re not really a girl, or a guy. Or you feel you would be happier as a girl or as guy, or whatever.

But what if you%26#039;re... 24, and you don%26#039;t feel like being 24, because you%26#039;re just not ready to be 24, because you%26#039;ve gone through emotional things in your life or something? Couldn%26#039;t you be able to change your age?

You might say, %26quot;No, you have to just be your age, and just take responsibility for it.%26quot;, but wouldn%26#039;t you have to say that to a guy or girl who wanted to get a gender change done, also?

I would like to see if this idea is okay to have, and if it is wrong, why. This isn%26#039;t an arguement, I want to see if this is okay thinking.

(btw, I%26#039;m not 24, ;D, I%26#039;m 16, and this isn%26#039;t for me, I%26#039;m just wondering.)|||Technically, you can%26#039;t change the gender you%26#039;re born with. It may seem it, but you still have the %26quot;inside parts%26quot; of your gender.

As for why you can%26#039;t change your age, I think it%26#039;s deeply inside your brain. Your body has also grown to accustom your age, so if you wanted to go from 24 to...12, to say, you would be more %26quot;developed%26quot; and grown than anyone in school.|||crank|||Well i see your point. But it%26#039;s impossible to go back or forward in time and lets say if you are 24 and you decide to change your age (like you can go and change your name) you%26#039;re still gonna be 24, no matter what you do.

Your gender can be physically changed, but your age can%26#039;t.|||this is one of the dumbest questions I%26#039;ve read in my life. You can%26#039;t change your age, you are what you are. Maybe if you had a time machine?|||We are able to make ourselves physically look like a male or female. You can get breast implants and cut your.. package off and vise versa (I think?) but how can we ACTUALLY make ourselves look 18 when we%26#039;re actually 30. That%26#039;s what people try to do, but no matter what, you will always be your age. That%26#039;s the same with your sex as well, you can look/act/walk/talk/etc like a male/female but you will always be your natural sex.

It%26#039;s different with names because you can change your name and you have a new one. It doesn%26#039;t come back to haunt you because you%26#039;re new.... with your sex/age, it%26#039;s always there no matter what.... I guess that%26#039;s what I%26#039;m trying to say. It sounds better in my brain.|||gender is gender, no matter what the time

unless you have a time machine, age sticks. you can have an op to *look* younger/older, you can *act* younger/older, but the fact remains you%26#039;ve been alive for 24 years...|||because youcan%26#039;t go back in time, you can%26#039;t change your age but since you can do sex change you can change your gender|||Well, witness Protection will sometimes not only change a name, but age too...

But seriously, you were born at a certain time, in a certain year, that is fact and can%26#039;t be changed.

You can buy creams, have cosmetic surgery, lie flat out but the fact remains you were still born that day, in that year, at that time.

Remember Pounce de Leone and the fountain of yputh? Well, he still grew old and died just like the rest of us will barring accidents. No matter what we do we can%26#039;t change our age.

We can change our appearance to look the best we can, exercise and diet...but again, same day, same year, same time.|||because its eaiser to chop off a ding dong than it is to shave off a couple extra years.|||...because we don%26#039;t have the technology to turn back the aging process.|||Sweetheart, of course you aren%26#039;t ready to be 24, you are 16. If a twenty four year old isn%26#039;t %26quot;ready%26quot; - that person has some serious psychological and/or emotional issues, which need to be addressed by a trained professional. Believe it or not, those people are out there, at any age.

As for %26quot;age%26quot; - you talk about chronological age. %26quot;Real age%26quot; is different: the healthier you are the younger you are, as a fully grown adult, not a teenager. Smoking, sedentary living, mental laziness all make people older than their chronological age. (There are some other types of %26quot;ages%26quot;, which I forgot) . It is an interesting subject, look into it.|||I think you mean %26quot;how come...your SEX...%26quot; (not %26quot;gender%26quot;).

Gender has to do with grammar. Essentially, there are three: masculine (has nothing to do with maleness), feminine (has nothing to do with femaleness), and neuter (which is neither masculine nor feminine gender).

%26quot;Gender [Lat. genus=kind], in grammar, subclassification of nouns or nounlike words in which the members of the subclass have characteristic features of agreement with other words.%26quot;

More recently, of course, %26quot;gender%26quot; has been used in non-grammatical senses.

%26quot;Gender role%26quot; has to do with role acquisition and behavior based on masculinity/femininity, equal to maleness/femaleness.

%26quot;Gender%26quot; as you used it, having to do with one%26#039;s physical sex and, in this case, sexual apparatus.

%26quot;Gender status,%26quot; having to do with the supremacy of one sex over the other in the culture or community. In most cultures, that supremacy belongs to the men, and is used by them to define themselves relative to women, but more importantly to define and limit women to a narrow set of definitions.

(It was this last, in 1911, that led Dr. Alfred Adler to break with Freud%26#039;s group, and in their 1912 debates to put forth the concept of %26quot;masculine protest%26quot; as another way to explain women%26#039;s neuroses.)

Regarding your question: Sex is defined by physiological characteristics as well as social norms (see above). Age is defined by the passing of time using clocks, day/night, hours, years, decades, etc. You may pretend to believe you are younger than you are (or older), and you may try to act younger (or older) but you are a specific age, and no other.

Your question reminds me of my mother (dead since 1998) who, in her 80s was visiting me in CT. She was looking at her hands, then looked at me and said, %26quot;When did I get so old? I still feel like I%26#039;m 17 inside!%26quot; That was my mom...always 17!