Sunday, 5 June 2011

Have you ever thought about changing your gender?

And if you have thought about changing your gender

you probably might not have

realized how expensive it will be and it will cost you


First you will need to change your identity and this is

permanent and no going back to who you

used to be

And being on hormones and hormone replacement


And you need counseling and see a Psychiatrist

and this all adds up if no insurance

Friends who knew you they will leave and not come back

and family might reject you and

all depends here

You will need a new church family if you attend church

every Sunday

And counseling for a very long time

surgery is real expensive some cannot afford

So yes no turning back and this is a one way ticket

to being a woman or a man

from male %26gt; to female or female %26gt; to male

and this is permanent for the rest of your life

And you need to reconsider the consequence and the

aftermath and what about your neighbors

and how they will act towards you

You will be judged and all that|||I have already begun transition.

Im 20 so have my whole life ahead of me.

Im not religious so i dont worry about church.

My neighbours dont know, and i have moved into my own flat successfully.

I am aware of costs, and have saved half of the money for my op so far.

I dont see a councillor, just a specialist now and again to check how things are doing, and i am having the operation this December (2007), (having changed last November (2006).

I have lost friends, but kept some and gained new ones.

I still have my job, though i plan to get another as soon as i can, which wont be hard after i have had the operation, as most places dont want to employ someone who will be off work for 3 months at the end of the year.

So far, i am happy, and living a great life. I do have some problems at my workplace, but never anywhere else as i pass fine as a woman. I understand the consequences of this but have faced most of what i need to face, and succeeded.|||i would never change my gender.....i love being a girl......kisses|||oh no no no.....................

i like fred just the way he is, all intact.............. he%26#039;s my best friend.........|||I would not change. I like being a guy and I hate surgery, needles, and all other hospital things. The only reason I would ever want to be a girl is so I could have long hair and could style it in a lot of ways.|||I%26#039;ve never considered changing my gender.

I love my man parts too much!|||no i like myself the way i am

not to be mean but why do people consider to change their gender, is it so that they can like the other gender or something, cuz there is nothing wrong with being gay, you shouldnt care about what people think of you.|||wow you really thought it through, huh...

I%26#039;m not changing my gender.. i love being a woman...|||I%26#039;ll never thought %26#039;bout it. %26#039;Cus i%26#039;m very proud 2b a men. Satisfy 4what i%26#039;ve now.|||no i never thought to change my gender im fine being a women|||no...thank goodness I haven%26#039;t...I realize that it%26#039;s a real ordeal for those who do..|||it would be too late for me even if i wanted it. so therefore no.|||Only when I was little. I wanted to see what it would be like to pee standing up. Then, when I got older, I wanted to see what felt so great about jerking off. I could never get off that way and would think %26quot;It would be easier if I had a penis%26quot; but that%26#039;s about it.|||all the time|||Nope I lovebeing a woman and enjoying bi sex|||No not really i see it as this God guy made me a lesbian 4 a reason and i am damn proud of it|||Very good analysis of the issues, however, it%26#039;s not really changing gender as bringing ones body in line with ones innate gender identity. Gender identity can%26#039;t be changed, but the body can.

So have I thought about changing my gender? No, despite all the uphill struggles, I love being female. Even if I could have my brain re-wired to male, I wouldn%26#039;t do it.|||I would never think about changing my gender bc I had a friend in tn once her gf had it done and she said it hurt like hell,why are you considering it or something|||Yes I have and it was one of the hugest stupidities I%26#039;ve ever thought about. I am a tomboy, always have been, when I was a kid i was always playing with castles, knights and i still have merely hatred for barbies. (i used to cut them into pieces... I know barbarian conduct...) Anyway, now i%26#039;m fifteen and last year i told my best friend that i wanted to become a man and do you know why? The reason i wanted to change my gender was because I was in love with girls and wanted the society to accept me! Now a year later I%26#039;m a happy (still tomboy) girl who love her gender even more than before. But i understand you, you may hate what%26#039;s going on in your body and want a different life that is not bad. If you can%26#039;t accept your life like this then go for it. If you are a girl and want to become a man then you%26#039;ll need phalloplasty operation. There%26#039;s an article in Do what satisfies you, your life is YOURS!