Hello. I am a graduate student in a Clinical Counseling program, and I'm writing a paper about changes in the tone and content of dreams over the life-cycle. If you would just take a few moments to answer the following few questions for me in as much or as little detail as you'd like, it would be very helpful to me and I would be deeply grateful. If you see that a lot of people have answered, please don't let that hold you back; I need as much data as I can get.
The questions I would like you to answer are very simple:
1) What is your age?
2) What is your gender?
3) How have your dreams changed over your lifetime, from the earliest ones you can remember to the one you had last?
Again, you can answer as briefly or at as much length as you like.
Thank you very much for your help!!!
Changes in dream life?
For me, personally, my dream sequences have always been mundane and, essentially, repetitive at a high level.
They consist of ordinary life experiences with ordinary people. I continually search for an abstract goal and never find it.
That aspect of my dreams has remained constant throughout my life.