Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Shias? how do you see Iran?

do you believe the Imam Khomeini did the right thing for the country, to obligate to everybody to be muslim and to say what religion are allowed in Iran after Islam? also I found out strange the homosexuality is condemned in Iran but it's allowed to change your gender.. how is that?
Shias? how do you see Iran?
Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you)

Though Iran has the highest number of Shia Muslims in the world, one should remember that there are many other Shia Muslims in other parts of the Muslim world and their views on Iran may vary though it's usually positive. Most Shia Muslims and Muslims generally do seem to feel that Ayatollah Khomeini did the right thing for the country as he turned a spiritually decadent country (under the Shah) into a spiritually vibrant nation.

Also The Islamic Republic of Iran is quite tolerant of other faiths like Judaism and Christianity. Iran has one of the most interesting and cultured Jewish communities there.…

And I too have heard that Iran does allow gender change though I think it only applies to Hermaphrodites. The following explains more…

And Allah knows best

May Allah provide us with guidance

Salaam (Peace)
Shias? how do you see Iran?
Iran does not represent Islam.
The Iran government is in trouble. If they continue to violently subdue it's people, there will be another revolution.
Im not Shia but I do know that you ARE allowed to be Christian and Jewish, there is even Christians and Jews in the government.
Shias are more enlightened than Sunnis on the whole.
Just because I am Shia, Iran does not represent who I am. Iran is Shia dominated, it has its own issues that it deals with in its own way. Saudi Arabia is Sunni dominated, they also have issues which they deal with in their own way. Whether you are Shia or Sunni, a country does not represent you. I dont 'see' Iran in any way. It is a Muslim country and that is all. Simple as that.
I agree that Imam Khomeini did the right thing by saving the country from the satanic western cultures.

Thats why Iran is only the true Islamic country that is doing everything on its own, not by licking USA's *** like Saudi Arabia do.