Saturday, 24 September 2011

Your experiences with gender disappointment?

Of course all parents love their little ones no matter whether they are boys are girls. But that doesn't mean that while a woman is pregnant they don't secretly hope for a boy or girl. I am not far enough along to know the gender of my baby, and I just hope that it is healthy. What I want to know is if any of you or your partners were disappointed when you discovered the baby's gender. How soon did you get over it and embrace it? And furthermore, were you scared you wouldn't like the baby as much when it was born, or did you change preference immediately?

How exactly did you get over the gender disappointment?

Just curious :)

Your experiences with gender disappointment?
I really wanted a girl. A lot. And so I decided that the only smart thing for me to do would be to find out what I was having early on. I didn't want to give birth to a boy and have my first thought be a disappointed one. I didn't think that would be fair to my son. So I got the ultrasound done at 17 weeks and saw my son. Yes, I was disappointed, but I had several months to come to term (no pun intended) with it, and to plan, buy things, decorate, etc. After a while, it wasn't a big deal anymore - and then when he was born, it mattered not at all. Now he's two and I can't imagine having had a better baby than he is! So what if all the clothing stores have twice as many options for girls than for boys? My son is beautiful and smart and healthy and silly and perfect. So he can't wear cute little frilly dresses - he looks pretty freaking adorable in his khakis and deck shoes. :) I think in the end, if you want one and you get another, oh well. There's nothing you can actually do about it, so get over it and love the child! Still - I will be checking the gender of any second or third babies that come along. I really need to know these things ahead of time!
Your experiences with gender disappointment?
with both of my pregnancies we did not find out the sex of the baby. I figured 40 wks isn't that long of a time to wait to find out the sex of this baby, compared to their entire life.

I know people who are disappointed to hear what the sex of their baby is, and I wonder how? why? When so many things could be wrong with babies (born with diseases or conditions) how could they be so upset about the sex of the baby.

Good Luck!! I hope you have a healthy baby! whether its a boy .. or a girl!!

I was thrilled when I found out that I was having girls. My husband is not one of these super macho men who wanted a son to carry on the family name or push into sports. He loves his daughters just as much as he would have a son.

If I have to be totally honest, I wanted girls. Both my husband and I are not exactly the tallest people and I felt it would be easier for a girl to be petite than for a boy to be short. And when I was pregnant with my second daughter, I figured that it would just be easier to have two girls, I could re-use a lot of clothing, I could even dress them alike if I was so inclined and we wouldn't have to move since they could share a room.

For me, all that mattered was that it was a healthy baby.
I was a little disapointed when I found out that my first was a girl. Not that I really wanted a boy that much. I guess the problem was I was scared that I wouldn't be able to raise a girl as easily. I have always been more of a tom-boy. Definately not a girly, girl. I like to watch football and hockey and had I been more coordinated I would have likely played both. I hate pink. Never had my nails done, and never will etc.

So I was a bit disappointed I guess. But I just decided from the beginning- no pink. I never bought her anything pink and I took back every gift that I got that was pink or donated it to charity. The Salvation Army got lots of nice pink clothes that year from me that is for sure. But, slowly I realized that I could do it. That the sex didn't matter. I can't say when I realized it would be fine, but it did happen before she was born.

My husband didn't care either way. He realized he was ready for a child when he realized that he didn't care at all. Before that he really wanted a little girl.

Now I am pregnant with baby #2. I don't know the sex yet. I kind of think I would rather have another girl now. I guess I just don't want to buy lots more clothes (silly reason isn't it) But I don't really care this time around.