Saturday, 24 September 2011

How did you imagine your children as a youth and how did it actually turn out?

This is a little game that I saw via e-mail from my mom's club, and I added some stuff too.

1. How did you imagine your adult life?

- What genders did you think you would have?

- How many children did you think you would have?

- What did you think their names would be?

- How far apart did you want them to be?

- What age did you want to have kids?

2. What was the reality once you realized how much hard work children were?

- How many children do you have? (and if you want to include genders, ages, names, etc.)

- How much did your significant other alter your plans? When did you meet them?

- What age did you start having kids at?

3. What do you think your future holds?

- More kids? Done with kids?

- Will you change your career, go back to work?

- Will you home-school your kids? Send them to private school?

- Do you have a college fun?

Don't think you have to answer everything. Though only serious answers (not necessarily complete ones) will be considered for best answer..
How did you imagine your children as a youth and how did it actually turn out?
tooooooo many questions sorry :)
How did you imagine your children as a youth and how did it actually turn out?
I always knew I wanted kids, but the real urge didn't come until I was in my mid-20s. I still didn't have any kids until I was 31. It took awhile to find the right man.

I only have one kid, and he's 1 year old. I thought I would have a girl, all the women in my family have had girls. I thought raising a child would be more difficult than this. I always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and that wish came true. But I thought I'd be run ragged and stressed out constantly. I'm not. Sure, I have my days. But for the most part, I really enjoy being with my son.

I'm not sure if I want anymore. I used to want two kids. But I have a stepson, and my natural son, so I don't know if I'm going to have any more. I plan to go back to work when my son is 3, if we can afford to wait that long. We received a 20-year bond from my stepdad when my son was born, we'll use that for college. We don't have a savings account for my son's schooling otherwise. My husband and I both paid for college ourselves, so a college fund seems like something of a luxury. But it would be great to have one.

I don't plan to homeschool. I taught my stepson how to read, and while I enjoyed that immensely I don't think I have the skills to teach math and science and all the other subjects that my child would learn in school. I want my child to go to a school that has children of many different cultures, and the private schools around here just don't offer that. So he'll probably end up in a public school.
Dudes dont imagine stuff like that. Although I never thought I'd be a dad of 3...well technically 4 now. Never thoguht that in a million years, its good stuff.