Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Religion: If your son or daughter was homosexual or crippled would you change your faith for them?

Don't jump down my throat with this because you're all going to say 'same storyline as in EastEnders' but then it's not a real representation of real life, so people should be vocal about how they would approach having a homosexual youngster whose only form of happiness would be with members of the same gender.

Christianity teaches that homosexuals should be persecuted AND IT ALSO teaches the same about cripples and people who eat shellfish and people who handle leather (football) so you know, would you adapt your faith knowing that your son or daughter was happy the way they were naturally born or would you do everything in your power to make them change even though they can't? This is a topic I want to hear about because it's a little bit nagging at my mind lately.

I mean, (I'm an atheist). If I was Christian, I would let my son or daughter be gay because I would know that that is how they would be happy. I'm a liberal and my beliefs extend to that everybody has the right to be who they are and who they want. I don't agree that people want to hold their children back when all their religion teaches is to be free.

I want to hear your opinions :)
Religion: If your son or daughter was homosexual or crippled would you change your faith for them?
Faith in Jesus Christ is independent of circumstances.

He is God despite the ups or downs of life.
Religion: If your son or daughter was homosexual or crippled would you change your faith for them?
I would not change my faith for them, they would be accepted by pastafarians.

Why would I change to one that hates them?
Not even if they promised me a place in heaven because i know that is impossible
You have misrepresented the teachings of Christianity. Perhaps because you really don't know what it teaches. Nowhere in the Bible are we, as Christians, told to persecute homosexuals or anyone else. We are to love the sinner and to hate the sin.

and btw The True Church is not instructed to %26quot;persecute%26quot; homosexuals.... though homosexual acts are an abomination to God.... homosexuals have the same opportunity to come to God in The Way He prescribes as does anyone else.

you have quite a bit of misunderstanding about The True Christian Faith
There is a misconception that the Old Testament is the covenant of Christianity. Meaning, that I have to obey or am suppose to obey what the Old Testament says.

But Christianity relies on a new covenant. One that involved Jesus. It only demands for us to trust Jesus and to love him and others.

So nope. I wouldn't change my beliefs, but I wouldn't have to.

I can be friends with gay people and I can love cripples. In fact, I'm suppose to.
You should study up a bit better. It does teach those things other than homosexuality being against god. And no, I would not change my religion because my religion teaches acceptance of all things for all things are beautiful under Goddess. (Wiccan witch btw.)
I think you don't think.

Is this true or not ;

%26quot;Many are the ways that seem right to a man that lead only to Death%26quot;-- because the Bible says it 3 times, and it barely even says something twice.

Experience tells me that is true.
Apparently, me coming out of the closet made my Christian mom doubt certain things about her faith. It made her see how restrictive Christianity can be, and how a lot of the rules do not really make sense. Or at least that was what she told me. I did not know until a few months ago...

She is still a Christian, though. I very much doubt that is ever going to change. Especially considering she was indoctrinated into it as a child by her father, who was VERY vocal about his Christianity. (He is dead now.) And she has a strong emotional attachment to her faith, so she doesn't really care that much about rational arguments and the likes.
No, I would love my child, no matter what, if they were homosexual, then I would be dissapointed and I would pray about it, and try and educate my child on God's word and His will for our lives and how he/she may not be blessed when living in sin. But ultimately it would be up to the child when they turn an adult.

If they were crippled nothing would change either, because being handicapped is not something you've chosen or something you can resist, it's the way you were born.

Edit: And actually you are completely wrong about God telling us to persecute homosexuals. Why are you looking for something wrong in a God who has your best interests?
Christianity doesn't teach us to persecute anyone, not homosexuals, not people of other religions or atheists, etc. We are taught to love the sinner (of which we are one) and to hate the sin. Rather than turn their back on their children, a Christian should pray about and for them - and for anyone else they feel called upon to pray for. Christians wouldn't feel that being disabled is a sin. Hope this clarifies what some true Christian values are.
No, I would just forgive them and still stick on with my faith.
You're quoting the Old Testament. Better yet, you're quoting something that God made for the Hebrew people so that they would be separate from the other nations so that the savior of the world could come through them. In the New Testament we are no longer bound by the law but enjoy freedom in Christ. To answer your question, I know people that go through this. I know a lot of people that came out to their parents. One ended in a divorce. It's definitely hard on the parents. If a Christian truly is a Christian and truly puts all their efforts on loving as Christ did, then nothing could change the love a parent has for their children. Heck, I got a tattoo a couple weeks ago and my ultra-conservative parents think its wrong but they still love me the same (though they have to keep reminding themselves I mean me about that). Everybody does have the right to be who they are and who they want. I don't disagree with you at all. I think parents need to let their children explore and find their own faith rather than just what their parents believe.
Please read the new testament because it would seem that all your knowledge is either hearsay or from the old testament. There is nothing wrong with the old testament so please don't get me wrong there, and there is nothing wrong with repeating what others tell you providing they have understood things correctly themselves.

There are many sins mentioned in the old testament for which death was the penalty. Law and order had to be enforced and sometimes the thought of being killed for ones wrong doings, or being mutilated in some circumstances, was what kept people away from doing the things which they were told they must not do. The reasons why they must not do them was because they were against God's laws. God said they were sin.

Some things which were forbidden in old testament times were regarding laws given to specific people and it was THEY who must obey God on those issues. Dietary laws come in that category as do some others.

Some things which were wrong in O.T. times are not wrong in N.T. times. We are told that what God made is not unclean for instance. Some people believe this refers to food and some believe it refers to people. It could refer to both.

However, getting to the subject of homosexuality, which is what you really are asking about, this is mentioned in both the old and the new testament. The new does not cancel out the old in this instance. It still, plainly, says that the actions of some homosexuals (as opposed to the tendency of some others to feel that they are homosexual) is a sin - an abomination to God. We all have tendencies to want to sin in one way or another but it is not a sin until we put the desire into action. God wants us to control and overcome those tendencies so an angry man should learn how to control his anger and a man who desires another man rather than a woman should learn how to control that desire. We could make a long list of harmful desires which must be controlled and none of those desires are sin just as long as we are controlling them but we must not act on them. It is called self-control.

In answer to your other point - 'would I change my religion for my children's sake?' the answer is a huge resounding NO I WOULD NOT. Faith means just what the word says - FAITH. If I were prepared to change if for anything it would not be faith, it would just be a passing fancy whilst the circumstances suited me. Real faith holds on regardless of changing circumstances and it is faith which sustains us through those changing circumstances.