Anyway I read this news article thinking I would find something cool and instead I read of a man who was a woman but got a sex change to become a man but he/she never got rid of their female genitalia and now has become pregnant due to artificial insemination....
Okay just because you get a ton of cosmetic surgery and take a ton of hormones it does not change your gender if you keep your old parts...sure you can have a different sexual orientation but still it is not miraculous in any way that a person with female reproductive organs can become pregnant even if they so happen to have done a lot of work into becoming a man....
Did you hear about the man who is pregnant miraculously?
The %26quot;man%26quot; featured on Oprah was infact a female who had breast reduction surgery and takes testosterone--not a man.
***Pregnant women are all over the place, and it is always a miracle, but there is nothing particularly special about this pregnancy.
Did you hear about the man who is pregnant miraculously?
the did some test tube thingy..... it was surgicly done..... these are comments made about him...he got sex change but has te female reproductive system!
%26quot;He's%26quot; not a man. %26quot;He%26quot; was born a female, had her breasts removed and takes testosterone and probably an estrogen blocker. %26quot;He%26quot; is a trans-gender. %26quot;He%26quot; has all of the female internal reproductive organs. Physically a woman, mentally/emotionally a man. Actually, it's pretty irritating that the world seems to think a man is pregnant, when it's actually a woman.
It isn't - it's exactly what you said it is...a pregnant woman who had cosmetic surgery.
I imagine the news people expect that calling it a miracle will attract more interest.
Because he was born with a uterus!