Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Guys, if you were transformed into a woman, but were able to retain your perspectives on gender, what....?

.....would you do, how might your perspectives change over time?
Guys, if you were transformed into a woman, but were able to retain your perspectives on gender, what....?
I might be more sensitive toward the feminist movement than i am now. And i'll understand why SOME women get bitchy over PMS.
Guys, if you were transformed into a woman, but were able to retain your perspectives on gender, what....?
First off I would find out what a female orgasm was all about. Get the best toy I could find and try it out. Then if it was so good try and determine why they do not wnat it all the time. lastly knowing what I know as a guy would use that power to make a great life and enjoy it along the way.
I'm going to get some thumbs down BUT I have been told (by more than

1 man) that they would become a prostitute! Their perspective being, %26quot;if

I can make money that easily, why not?%26quot; Hopefully these guys would

see, over time, that being a prostitute does not necessarily mean %26quot;easy
