I am 36 years old, so I know it's a little late to do this, but I have hated my name all my life. I will tell you that I am a female and my first name is Trey. What were my parents thinking? It's a guys name and I hate it ... everything from being called %26quot;Mr. ... %26quot; at the doctor's office to cashiers looking at my credit card and then looking at me like %26quot;did you steal this from a guy named Trey?%26quot; I know some of you might think it's cool, but try living a day in my shoes and I will tell you it's not fun. My middle name is definitely feminine, but I'm not a big fan of being called that. Now I am about to start a part-time career as a real estate agent (keeping my day job until market picks up) and your name in real estate is everything. With meeting so many new people in this new field, I want to legally change my first name to Traci ... leaving my middle and last name (married name) in tact. I figure that way, it's easy for people to remember beause it's so close to my current name (just adding %26quot;ci%26quot; to the end). If friends or current co-workers forget and call me %26quot;Trey%26quot;, it is short for Traci. I know Traci in itself can be gender confusing too, but not nearly as much as Trey. I have done a lot of name statistics research and %26quot;Traci%26quot;, because it is spelled with an i at the end, is 100% female, according to name registrations. Other variations like Tracy or Tracey could be either, but mostly female. I like the name. It's short, easy to say, and flows well with my middle and last names. BTW ... I live in Maryland. Know anyone else who has done this? How easy will it be for friends to remember my new name? Opinions anyone?
Want to change my gender-confusing first name ... what's your opinion?
That's a fabulous idea. I think your friends will have no problem with remembering your new name, as long as you don't mind them calling you %26quot;trey%26quot; sometimes. It will be like your original name is a nick-name for your new name.
Best of luck. You've obviously put a lot of thought into this.
Want to change my gender-confusing first name ... what's your opinion?
you're used to your name and it's part of your identity, your friends will still call you trey out of habit, so keep it as trey for a nickname, and ask a solicitor to legaly change your name. it will cost, but not a massive amount, and you may need to pay for a new credit card etc
I'm 15 and i'm changing my last name, but I'm in the UK. It might be different