Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Why do people get a sex change?

I don't get the transgendered thing...

%26quot;woman trapped in a mans body%26quot; What does it mean? How do you feel like a man if you've never been one??

Does that mean they look like a man physically, but like women? Or is it just a woman with a penis?

Or is it a lesbian who wants to be more masculine, so she has a sex change?

Whats your gender after the change?

Vice versa for men.

To me, if your attracted to the same gender, your gay/lesbian.

Therefore if your a man who likes men, your gay. But if you get a sex change, what does that make you straight? oO
Why do people get a sex change?
you really complicate the whole matter to where it's no wonder you don't understand it. it's really very simple:

%26quot;gender identity is determined between the ears, not between the legs.%26quot;

sexual orientation has nothing what so ever to do with gender identity. by convoluting the two, you make understanding either impossible.

%26quot;sex change%26quot; refers to reconfiguring genitalia from one sex to the other, it does nothing to ones gender.....that remains the same...


the brain tells ones self which gender they are...the body is usually in accord, but NOT ALWAYS. the brain always, ALWAYS has it right, it can't be wrong because it's the part that does the thinking. so whatever gender one believes themselves to be is what they way around it.

hope this helps some. much love and hope. pj
Why do people get a sex change?
It's like ok a person is born male but mentally feels as if they're female so they get a sex change. Once you change, your gender is what you change to, like if you were male and then turn into a female, you're a female.

Sexuality really has nothing to do with why people get a sex change. People get a sex change because they feel like the opposite sex. Didn't you watch Oprah today?

I'll be honest, I'm not a transgendered person so I can't give you a great answer but from my understanding, that's what it is.
I am going to try to make this as simple as possible so even you can understand it.

I was born with a birth defect, a Y chromosome, this gave me a male body even though I am female. I know I am female because that is who I am. Just trust me. You know you are male I know I am female. So, I have had to take medications and other actions to modify the body I was born into to be accepted as the woman that I am.

Also to confuse you more I am attracted to other women, so I am a lesbian.

The facts are very simple, the life is very hard.
%26gt;( people get sex changes because their mental gender doesn't match their physical one, it doesn't matter what they look like or who they're attracted to, it matters that they're not comfortable with there physical gender, you're gender after the change is whatever you're core gender is, or the gender you're transitoning to, if a transsexual is physically born a man they're still not a man they're a woman even befor they start transitoning
well i dont hate them,to the answer below and actualy ull find most transgender people look better than us,you obviously have your head up your own ****.anyway im lesbian and dont wanna be male one bit i have a friend who was female and is now ALL male,even on the birth certf,hes marri4ed to a straight woman so i guess my answer to tht would be,yeah hes straight,if she was stil female and went with another woman,she would be all lesbian
heehee u must have alot of time on ur hands in order to think this thru so well (jk)... idk if a sex change makes u straight, never thot about this stuff... but i guess so, i mean theres more of a mentality to it, make them feel more like the gender they want to be... even if some things dont change. have fun thinking about this stuff :)
Getting a sex change is biologically impossible because the patient still has the chromosome that determined his or her gender during development. As for WHY people get sex changes, it depends on the person.
To be honest I don't understand it either. But, it is their choice and right to be whatever they want. They are still human and should be respected as such.
there are tons and tons of websites that can answer this question! look it up on google.
First off, sexual orientation, gender identity and physical anatomy are three distinct things. For the largest segment of the population, straight people, all three agree.

But its not that way for everyone. Gay men know that they are men. The plumbing matches their gender identity but who you are attracted to is the same sex.

For male to female transsexuals its a matter of feeling for many years that their gender does not match the other two. There is no therapy, drug or religion that can change that. This leaves two alternatives: live an entire life deeply unhappy or change your body to match your psyche. There is no third way.

Who the person is attracted to is an entirely separate matter. Sometimes it matches what the mainstream society accepts as normal. In other words the woman, and she IS a woman, is attracted to men. That makes her heterosexual. Sometimes a trans person is attracted to other women which makes her a lesbian.
It's different for everyone.

For the people who get sex changes, it is basically because they don't feel like the particular gender that they were born as. This can manifest as liking most %26quot;boyish%26quot; things if you are a girl, or vice versa. This isn't always the case, but it sometimes is. This is how a lot of people realize it. Some people identify more closely with their guy friends if they are a chick, etc.

After the change, you are considered as the other gender, but you are still a transgender. It's weird to explain. You will be treated as a woman (being called she/her) for example, but you are a transgender. You can have the body parts, but you will never have the right genes, etc. You will probably have to stay on hormones for your entire life (to give you the male/female characteristics).

Transgender is no indication of orientation. Some of them are bi, some are men turned women who like men, some are men turned women who like women, etc. Having certain body parts does not make you a certain orientation.

Here, read up.
people get sex changes when they want to look really gross and be hated by everyone.