I think that it is always better to be tolerant. When we look at the past, we always think how terrible racism was during the 60s, but the same thing is happening today with gays and lesbians. Until we learn to accept others, there will continue to be problems in our world.
I understand that some people interpret the bible to say that it is wrong to be gay, but I can%26#039;t let this make me intolerant. Regardless of what the Bible says, God would want us to accept others. Whether or not you realize it, if you judge others for being gay, that is discrimination. Even if I were to agree that the Bible says being gay is wrong, why should it affect our laws? Our government is supposed to separate the church and state. The Bible%26#039;s teachings have no place in our laws.
I believe that gays should be allowed to marry. Allowing others to have rights is never wrong. If you think it is wrong to have a gay marriage, you do not need to get one. A gay couple getting married does not affect you. However, you not allowing a gay couple to get married affects them.
You may argue that homosexuality would ruin the %26quot;sanctity of marriage,%26quot; but that is already happening. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. I think the destruction of love ruins marriage far more than the union of two loved ones, regardless of their gender.
You may say that marriage is something that is within the church, so gay marriage cannot happen, but this is not true. Marriage does not need to be through the church. Anyone can get a marriage through a judge, without any connection to the church.
You may say that tradition dictates that marriage should be between a man and woman, but should we do something just because it is tradition? I think the world is always the best when it is most progressive. Because people refused to break tradition we lived in the dark ages, we lived through slavery, and we lived for years without woman%26#039;s suffrage. It is time to make a change.
You may say that gay marriage will lead to people wanting to marry family members or animals, but this is absurd. How many people have you met that honestly want to marry their dogs or sisters? The idea that gay marriage will lead to these kinds of weddings is ridiculous.
A question for those of you who are straight and against gay marriage: If God/society suddenly said that being straight were wrong, could you change your lifestyle and become attracted to your own gender? Would you be able to change your attraction just because someone said it is what you should do?
I would honestly like to hear your opinions on this issue. I think everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. If I didn%26#039;t allow others to voice their own opinion, that would be hypocritical of me. I think a healthy discussion makes us all understand each other better.
A list I got from the internet. Makes you think:
Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong
1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, birth control and air conditioning.
2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
4. Marriage has been around a long time and hasn%26#039;t changed at all: women are property, matches are arranged in childhood, blacks can%26#039;t marry whites, Catholics can%26#039;t marry Jews, divorce is illegal, and adultery is punishable by death
5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears%26#039; 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn%26#039;t be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren%26#039;t full yet, and the world needs more children.
7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That%26#039;s why we have only one religion in America.
9. If we look to the word of God, His punishment for sexual immorality is equal to that of murder. Therefore, teaching kids to tolerate homosexuality is equal to teaching them to tolerate murder.
10. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That%26#039;s why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
11. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven%26#039;t adapted to cars, the service-sector economy (insurance, government, tourism, banking, retail, education, a
Why do people think gay marriage is wrong?
You are so true about everything, but plenty of places are still full of Bible Belts that think marriage is between a man and woman. They won%26#039;t see it any other way and will never agree with gay marriage. But just like all other controversial things, blacks with whites, women below men, and now it%26#039;s gays equal to straights.
Marriage is not only a bonding between two people, it also makes sure that you wouldn%26#039;t be excluded from important decisions with you spouse. Like if your partner is in the hospital with a coma, or in intensive care, in gay couples, they might not let the partner visit. When important decisions come up they will ask a parent instead of the persons partner. There are so many things that partners can%26#039;t do that married couples can.
Marriage has nothing to do with God, and one day (I hope soon) gay marriage will be allowed in many more places. Because marriage between two of the same sex will not lead to incestuous marriage or marriage to animals. Because incestuous marriages were a thing of the past and animals can%26#039;t consent to a marriage and sign documents.
I hope one day I%26#039;ll be able to see my sister marry her partner of 7 years. Where it will be excepted as actual in all states not just the state they would marry in. But we just have to break through the barriers one at a time until we are free. We meaning those who are for gay marriages and gays who want to marry. :-)
Why do people think gay marriage is wrong?
A quick review of history shows that certain societies have accepted/tolerated gay unions, however none of them treated these unions as %26quot;marriage%26quot;. Marriage has always been upheld by society as something special. It was special because they saw marriage as the fundamental unit of society. Strong marriages were necessary if they wanted a strong, secure future for their society, they needed the structure from marriage to raise the next generation.
When you get down to it, marriage is not about rights. It isn%26#039;t just a legal contract. And it is not based upon a love between two adults. Otherwise you would invalidate all arranged marriages, and all the cultures that practice polygamy. Marriage is about life. We believe human life to be sacred. We believe all human life is to be treated with honor and respect. If we believe that human life is sacred then it follows that we must believe the origin of human life to be sacred too. All human life has its origin in the heterosexual union. No human life has its origin in the homosexual union. Therefore only the heterosexual union can be considered as sacred.
No, this does not mean that all heterosexual unions must result in progeny. It does means that all heterosexual unions are associated with the celebration of life.
Yes, love is great, but sex between a man and a woman should be considered as sacred. When men and women divorce, then that damages the sancity of marriage. When men and women enjoy casual sex, then that damages the sancity of marriage. When girls have babies outside of marriage that also damages the sancity of marriage. Yes the sancity of marriage is being threatened. However, those threats to marriage does not mean we should change the definition of marriage to embrace gay couples. They can still have civil unions, and they are not losing anything.
Thats because marriage was thought as an institution where you mutually agree to produce babies and take care till they become responsible citizens.
Basically , A Female is submissive by nature , And a Male is the dominant one .
You%26#039;re saying that a Male should behave like a female and be submissive to another Male , And a Female should behave like a Male and be dominant on another female .
Behaving in the way they weren%26#039;t %26quot;Made%26quot; to be in their nature .
Probably why a sperm with another sperm doesn%26#039;t fertilize .
And those who believe that God thinks that this is TOTALLY okay and stuff , Should take a look on the research done by scientists on the Land of Sodom , Or watch the documentary called Perished Nations .
And seriously it%26#039;s disgusting , If a man can%26#039;t pick up a woman or a woman thinks all men are jerks and go for this and think they%26#039;re meant to be gay they%26#039;re nothing but %26quot;Ignorant%26quot; .
Gay marriage threatens family stability
Marriage is not a relationship that society created in order to give some people benefits and deny them to others. Marriage is the institution that societies worldwide have recognized and encouraged because this unique relationship between a man and a woman provides particular benefits to society, chief among them, the procreation and nurturing of the next generation.
If marriages were centrally or solely about affirming love between individuals, the government would have no reason to be involved in the business of sanctioning marriage. Government sanctions the type of relationship into which children may be born and raised because the government recognizes that that institution which best serves the needs and rights of children is the institution that best serves a healthy society.
The social science is clear and irrefutable: children do best in stable, healthy homes with both a mom and dad. The government has a compelling interest to recognize, protect and promote marriage between one man and one woman.
What two people do between themselves is a private matter and therefore not %26quot;wrong%26quot;. However, what you are talking about is redefining the word marriage. Marriage is a contract between two people of the opposite sex. So if you are gay and want to be together you should do so but don%26#039;t expect to call it marriage. Call it something else but not marriage.
As far as taking away someone%26#039;s freedom, I don%26#039;t see it that way. You are free to do as you choose. But like I said, that doesn%26#039;t mean that YOU get to redefine marriage to best serve yourself.
No one is depriving anyone of anything. Neither is anyone willing to redefine something that has existed for a very long time and change it to something else.
Taking away freedom, that%26#039;s not what the issue is because you have the right to choose to live the life you prefer to lead. There are limitations. You don%26#039;t get to start calling two males or two females or for that matter one male and two females, etc. to be married. Its between 2 people of the opposite sex.
Given the progression of things, it won%26#039;t be long until someone feels they are in love with their dog and so they want that to be defined as marriage. Don%26#039;t scoff. Wasn%26#039;t so long ago abortion was practically unheard of now it happens all the time.
Loosening restrictions are not always a good thing. Does everyone get to rewrite the history of a word or an establishment to suit themselves? Can I redefine school as playtime? Words mean what they mean for a reason otherwise why have language.
because it%26#039;s the opposite of %26quot;RIGHT%26quot;
(%26quot;right%26quot; wing)
I think that what most people are against is the name...saying marriage because of deep religious beliefs. I also don%26#039;t think people realize the benefits that piece of paper will give. I am not married but I know I have that right and the freedom to do so...so really taking away someones right and freedom is not what this country was built upon.
Honnestly its more from a religious stand point. if you wanna get married to your boy friend or butt buddy just go to a religion its tolerated. i heard scientology loves gays, just look at tom cruise!!!
Also it seems like a classic %26quot;you tell me i cant so i want to%26quot; deal. people want what they can%26#039;t have whether your gay, straight, black, white, what ever. you tell gays they cant own a pet donkey they will fight for that too. it%26#039;s just stupid cuz no matter what minority%26#039;s will find a way they are repressed. it never ends.
to be honest there are bigger and more important things to worry about than bill and ted getting married and playing bucking broncos with two dick shaped engagement rings that say dudes for life. i mean who really gives a ****
I did not read all that.
And I am in favor of gay marriage.
But to answer your question, religion is one of the big reasons that ppl think it is wrong. Marriage is a religious ceremony and since the bible does not support gay acts ppl get very worked up when you two to put these two things together: gay love and a religious ceremony.
Again, I am for gay marriage, i am just saying that IF you are a religious person and believe every word of the bible then it does make since why these ppl would be offended by gay marriage.
I am glad that you are accepting of gay rights and I think those rights are getting stronger as the years slide by, but there wil always be ppl who just will not tolerate gay marriage and that%26#039;s just the way it is.
You asked %26quot;why%26quot; are some against it....it doesn%26#039;t have so much to do with anything about the gays, as much as it has to do with what %26quot;marriage%26quot; stands for....what it means....who established it...etc.
It is the gays, however...who want to change that meaning to include them. Let them establish their own ritual and leave ours alone. No one is denying them the legalities of having a partner....but it is the gays who insist on changing things their way....and the result will be changing the meaning of marriage from what it was intended to be.
God made Adam %26amp; Eve not Adam %26amp; Steve!!! that%26#039;s why!
I have since asked this question to people with religious reasons to oppose gay marriage, that if the sanctity of marriage would be ruined on gay marriage, what does that say about their traditional marriage, that a gay marriage would somehow lesson or reduce what a traditional marriage is.
there are those who support gay marriages and those who don%26#039;t
i personally don%26#039;t, for religious reasons; and eventually when i think of it my religion makes the most sense to me
but i also believe that no matter how much i talk to a person who does support homosexuality i will never change his mind and vice versa
i also don%26#039;t hate gay people i just don%26#039;t believe they are real about their own sexuality and i think either they are trying to be different to prove something or they have been thru certain kinds of experiences that made them take that path
so basically people don%26#039;t support gay marriages because they don%26#039;t believe in homosexuality
that%26#039;s my opinion