and then my default is still in the left, with a big empty space to the right of it, so i wanna make my default to the center. will you tell me how to do that please? If your gonna give me a website, make sure it doesnt post their advertisement on people's profiles. i dont like that )=
How do you change your default on your profile from left to middle?
Center Your Profile
Put this code in the bottom of your Heroes section:
%26lt;style type=%26quot;text/css%26quot;%26gt;
%26lt;table bordercolor=%26quot;ffcc99%26quot; cellspacing=%26quot;0%26quot; cellpadding=%26quot;0%26quot; width=%26quot;435%26quot; bgcolor=%26quot;ffcc99%26quot; border=%26quot;0%26quot;%26gt;
Put this code at the top of your About Me section:
%26lt;table bordercolor=%26quot;000000%26quot; cellspacing=%26quot;3%26quot; cellpadding=%26quot;3%26quot; width=%26quot;435%26quot; align=%26quot;center%26quot; bgcolor=%26quot;ffffff%26quot; border=%26quot;0%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;tr%26gt; %26lt;td valign=%26quot;top%26quot; align=%26quot;left%26quot; width=%26quot;435%26quot; bgcolor=%26quot;ffffff%26quot; style=%26quot;word-wrap:break-word%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;span class=%26quot;orangetext15%26quot;%26gt;About me:%26lt;/span%26gt;
Hopefully it helps you.