How would you feel? What would you do?
If you were married and your partner (whatever gender) decided to change genders?
honestly, i'd laugh at her cause she flaunts being a female and wants kids and breast feeding and all that other girly stuff....
but i'd still love her of course, and be supportive if she was serious about it and help her in any way i could and all, cause it wouldn't change who she is to me. hell, more fun for me actually.... *shrugs* sorry, i'm a perv.... lmfao
If you were married and your partner (whatever gender) decided to change genders?
wow i don't know interesting question
find cox somewhere else i guess
i would feel pretty sad since i would feel that the relastionship was kind of a lie..but ill try and stay with them but if iam not attracted to them after the sex change they sould let me go cause ..they did make a choise to change thier sex so i think they should understand if iam not attracted anymore but if am attracted to them still then there is no problam staying with them..
To me, the question who be, 'why does this person want to change?'
It would be weird though, because I loved this person for who they are, and not for who they aren't.
No offense to anyone, but if my male partner told me he wanted to change genders, we would be obliged to go separate ways. I'd keep the house !
I wouldn't care, I'm pansexual, if I love them, I love what they got.
Ps: You can't change your gender, just your sex. Gender is in the brian.
i wud let them go and support them in their ways
I hate to disappoint you, but no one can change genders. All anyone can do is to change appearance. Even with surgery, that's all you can do. You CANNOT change your sex, no matter what you cut off, or what you manufacture surgically. Sorry.
Not sure how I'd react, but I'm bi so I could deal.
I would feel alright about it, I'd stick with them and support them,If they wanted us to stay together still that'd be up to them of course,i wouldn't dump them or try to force them to stay.
And if it happens to be a guy who wants to be a woman,we'd go shopping together of course!:D
As Boom Boom said you cannot change your gender. Gender identity is inborn and unchangeable. A person who's born transsexual has a brain-body mismatch and since the brain cannot be changed they change their body to match it. More information can be found here:
Sex and gender are two separate things. For 99% of people the two match, but that is not true for people born transsexual.
What would I do? Hard question. Despite having gone through the process myself I can't answer the question. I would try to help them through the process, but I don't know if our relationship would survive. It's not their fault and it's not mine. It's just one of those situations where there is no blame.
Just so you know the actual numbers show that the vast majority of relationships do not survive transition. Then why do it? Because for people born transsexual: Our need to transition is akin to the need to breath. We have to do it to be ourselves or life isn't worth living.
wel it depends on how cute they look as the other gender lolz naww i thnk that we would still be friends .......... and if they look good then something more