Friday 7 October 2011

Gender Roles Class Project...Will you help?

I have to do a paper for my gender studies class. Would you mind answering these questions? Thanks!!!

What is your full name? Why did your parents select this name for you? Do you have a nickname?

When and where were you born?

How did your family come to live there?

Did you have other family members close by? Who? What role did they play in your life?

What was your home like? What are your family members like?

Are you a real man, a real woman or something else entirely? What makes you that?

Does your gender identity affect who you are?

What impact does your family have on your identity?

How old were you when you realized the impact of your family on your identity? What made you realize it?

Did you “gender identity” affect what you could be, or could do when you grew up? How?

Did you ever want to be something you weren’t supposed to be because it didn’t fit your gender?

What religion are you? What impact does your religion have on your identity?

What impact does society have on your identity?

Have you ever worn clothes of the opposite gender?

When you go shopping, do you shop in the department labeled for your gender?

Are there things that you can do because of your gender that others can not because of there gender?

Are there things that you can’t do because of your gender?

Has someone else ever accused you of being not really a man or not really a woman?

Has it ever happened that you’ve been in a group of people who are similarly gendered to you, and you find yourself behaving in a way that’s gender inappropriate?

Have you ever been mistaken for the opposite gender? How did that make you feel?

Have you ever been discriminated against, harassed, or attacked because of your gender presentation?

When was the last time you were aware of something about your gender that was holding you back in the world?

How many genders do you really think there are?

Do you feel it is possible for someone to change his or her gender?

What do you believe the essential sign of gender to be?

If someone tells you that they are neither a man nor a woman, what would you think?

If you meet someone that is one gender and then find out they used to be the opposite gender, what would you think?

What do you think if you see someone on the street whose gender is unclear?

Do you have a type of person you usually fall for?

If you fell in love with a man who used to be a woman you would be?

If you fell in love with a woman who used to be a man you would be?

Has there been any time when you’ve felt you have no gender?

What do you consider the “perfect” gender?

What is your gender? What is your sexual preference?

Anything else you would like to add about gender roles?

Gender Roles Class Project...Will you help?

You first. :-)

Gender Roles Class Project...Will you help?
Umm..could you break that up a little? I don't think yahoo gives me enough characters to answer all that.

I think you'd be interested in my responses though. I'm a FTM transsexual.

If you want to send it to my email, I'll take a look at it.
Too many private questions and some that are downright insulting:

%26quot;Real man%26quot; %26quot;Real woman%26quot;

Surprised you didn't ask for my SS#.

You can read what I believe in gender-wise here:
I love quizzes :D

What is your full name? Why did your parents select this name for you? Do you have a nickname?;

My full name is Christian Z.

Sorry, but that's all I'm giving %26gt;__%26lt;

it is the internet after all.

My parents just liked the name.

And my only nickname is Christ.

Which isn't pronounced as the godly figure, but as in christ-ian.

I hope you get that %26gt;__%26lt;

When and where were you born?;

4th of May (Audrey Hepburns birthday, if you're a fan ;])

And I was born in a hospital far away from where I live now :D

How did your family come to live there?;

My fathers side originally lived here and my mother migrated from the Philippines after my dad traveled there to marry her.

Did you have other family members close by? Who? What role did they play in your life?;

I have an extremely large family.

emphasis on extremely.

Tonnes of cousins and... well now only 1 grandparent, lots of aunts and uncles, tonnes of god parents (who are for some reason always related to me in one way or another)

And they've all impacted my life so much, they're generally very supportive of my life and they've all played their own little figure in my life, teaching me different things.

What was your home like? What are your family members like?;

My home is...

A place where we can at least try to be our busy selfs, without having to worry about the karma of the world, haha.

My father's a hilarious guy with contagious humor, and he educated my sister and I about sarcasm from birth, and so we're all VERY sarcastic.

And I mean VERY.

And my mother's a very caring, religous person, who just wants the best for all of us.

My sister is newly 18 and I've no idea how to describe her, she's too amazing.

Are you a real man, a real woman or something else entirely? What makes you that?;

Uhm. I'm a man I guess ?

And I figure it's that thing between my legs, haha.

I could be wrong though D;

Does your gender identity affect who you are?;


What impact does your family have on your identity?;

They've... sort of moulded me, I guess.

Into my own mould, if that makes sense...

They've always been supportive of me, and they let and help me strive to achieve whatever my goal is.

And I guess if it wasn't for that I'd probably stayed a miserable spoilt brat spending his life as class clown :D

How old were you when you realized the impact of your family on your identity? What made you realize it?;

Maybe.. 12 or 13 ?

That's when I really matured.

My social clique is, generally speaking, females. Oh, and I can't forget my two metrosexual guy friends :]

So because of our group being girls, we all matured at the same time.

That probably doesn't seem to make sense, but it just happened.

And then over time I was contemplating about family a lot, thinking about how much they helped me become who I was, and then I was just sure of it.

Did you “gender identity” affect what you could be, or could do when you grew up? How?;

So far, nothing has, and I do hope that nothing will.

Did you ever want to be something you weren’t supposed to be because it didn’t fit your gender?;

I think there were small things I used to want to do, but I've completely forgotten them now, haha.

They were pretty pointless things if I can't remember any of them :D

What religion are you? What impact does your religion have on your identity?;

Christian (go figure)

Although we're not too religous, except for my mother.

And that restriction of religion hasn't really been there, so there's been no impact as such.

What impact does society have on your identity?;

Society has this whole idea that guys have to play sports and suck everything up and be masculine, whilst girls have to shop all the time and wear pink and be afraid of spiders.

Something stupid like that.

And I tried for so long to do that, until it got to the point where I realized %26quot;You know what ? This isn't me, so it can go get stuffed%26quot;

And from that point onward I've just been me :]

Have you ever worn clothes of the opposite gender?;

Yeah. Generally jeans.

I like to wear skinny jeans, and my legs are so long that only the girls ones fit me, haha.

And belts on occasions.

And flannel shirts.

And sometimes just normal shirts.

Nothing that's really that obviously feminine, generally stuff that people at the stores tell you %26quot;just buy the x version, cause the y version is too z%26quot;


When you go shopping, do you shop in the department labeled for your gender?;

Pshht, no.

And I don't care what people think.

In fact I really do make a scene of it.

I go up to the counter and I speak really loudly and say things like %26quot;I'd like to buy these WOMENS jeans because these WOMENS jeans fit me better than MENS jeans%26quot; and then smile jubilantly :D

Are there things that you can do because of your gender that others can not because of there gender?;

Uhm. Probably.

But I don't like thinking of things I can do better than others.

I don't like putting people d
I tried to take this but I got really confused. In some places you ask about gender but it sounds like you are referring to sex. Some of these questions are really private too. And I agree some are also insulting. If you are interested, I'm a 16 year old closeted gender unknown person. I can be reached through answers email.