Friday, 7 October 2011

How do you feel about spending your tax dollars on that perverted inmate who wants a sex change operation?

An inmate wanting a sex change operation because he is said to be 'gender confused.' (Whatever) The court system has already spent over $55,000 on trial expenses, to get this pervert an operation for an illness that is not life threating. The operation will cost more than $20,000. Dont they get it? He is a prisioner! Why should he get expensive surgery , on us, just to make him 'feel better'?
How do you feel about spending your tax dollars on that perverted inmate who wants a sex change operation?
Pay no attention to %26quot;Jan N%26quot; as she is an ultra-liberal, Kool-Aid drinking fool.

As to your question, I am outraged by the fact that tax dollars are being spent to change some gender cofused %26quot;he%26quot; into a %26quot;she%26quot;!

What has this country come to!
How do you feel about spending your tax dollars on that perverted inmate who wants a sex change operation?
Hey %26quot;fired up,%26quot; this doesn't get ME nearly as fired up as the thousands upon thousands of millionaires in the US who pay 0 taxes each year - which definitely affects MY tax bill.
Yeah, im with you. I mean is this country getting way out of hand with political correctness or what. I mean he's a prisoner and they are worried and actually considering his gender confusion. OMFG! Come on America wake up. Lets forget political correctness for a while and remember plain old common sense.
I want lipo and a nose job. Will you all pay for me too? I'm confused why my nose is so too big. I will really appreciate it too.
I guess I will just have to commit a crime, and get an all expense paid for all the plastic surgery that I would like to have. Truth to tell the expression %26quot;you can't fight city hall%26quot; is too true.

This is a good example to the question I just answered. %26quot;America is going downhill, will you help stop this%26quot;?
It sounds like you don't know anyone who's transgender or genderqueer. I don't know this inmate of whom you write, but I wouldn't presume to know which of other people's expressed medical needs are real. Trans people have many , many different experiences and outlooks on life, but for some, remaining in an unchanged body is unbearable and they commit suicide (often a big risk in prisons anyway), so it's inaccurate to say gender dysphoria is not life-threatening.