I am glad to see so many people finally raising the point that the media has had a bias out look on the 2008 presidential election. Yahoo! News and many other blogs and election forums have been admitting to the bias coverage on the television, radio, and internet.
Talk shows have been the worst. The host of these %26quot;talk shows%26quot; have been battering the McCain/Palin campaign from the beginning. There has been more stories about Palin's $150,000 wardrobe than there was about Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racist sermon. How many remember the very short lived comment that Obama would not wear the American Flag lapel pin? Or how about Obama's other religious leader with racial views towards Hillary Clinton? These actions only received a one-liner from the talk shows.
For those of you old enough to remember, talk show host like David Letterman and Jay Leno did jokes on Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Sarah Palin, but not Barrack Obama. Does this mean that black people are off limits, but whites are fair game? It sure seems that way. I don't want to make this election about race (Obama's campaign has already done that). I just want to see each candidate get a fair shake in the political ring.
Obama's campaign did do something extremely smart this election, they used the internet and media against there adversaries. They encouraged their supporters (especially young and black) to get on the internet to bash Hillary and McCain while stressing the importance of making history by electing a black man. Obama encouraged young people to vote during his speeches. He knew that the 18 to 30 year old age groups surf the internet a lot. If he could get them to register to vote, then he would have a large group of naive young voters out there just ripe for filling them with false information on the internet. He also knows that the color of his skin is a plus and minus. Some whites declare that they will not vote for a black man while a lot of blacks will vote for Obama for no other reason than the fact that he is black. The black community in general does not care what Obama stands for. They just know that he is black so they want to see him in office. News stations have spent more time on trying to discredit the Republicans than discussing the ideas of the candidates.
I am a Republican. I know that my party has been portrayed as a group of screw-ups, but if you take away the propaganda, lies, and media bias then this race would be totally different. People would focus more on which candidate has more experience to lead this country than how much they spent on a blouse and skirt. If the American people will forget about race, gender, age, propaganda, media bias, and all of the other BS that really does not matter, and start focusing of Iraq, the economy, fuel production, environment, job production, and the many other things that concern us as hard working Americans then you would see that there is only one true choice for president. I will not call his name because if you do your own research then you will see who has the ideas and plans that will work.
Has the media changed your views?
The media just p*sses me off. I just based my choice on comparing and contrasting the plans of the two candidates and ignored what the media has to say.
Has the media changed your views?
Not at all. I am a Republican, have always been a Republican, and the media has once again proven how they are in bed with the liberals.