hi and thank you for your answer I LOVE YAHOO ANSWERS, sorry about the gender mix up, and i do appreciate your taking the time answer my question, i can see i didn't make some points very clear, my apologies for that as iam not very experienced with these kinds of forums i do better with live responses. anyways i think what you are saying about perfection is there needs to be some kind of conscience purpose to keep the perfection accurate or some reason which shows cause for it to be perfect.
When i say people are perfect it is because no matter how they act,or choose,or make decisions, they will always be perfect because of all thier lifes experiences, that means every single experence they've had. it doesn't mean that thier act, choice or decision with be the best for anything in the future, only that it is perfect for them to come up with those acts, choices, or decisions, they cannot do or make any of those without every experience leading up till that point, i hope iam making myself a little bit clearer on that point, again iam using deffinitions in the dictionary, and the one which says perfection is something without flaws, it is projecting a purpose for it needing to be without flaws, but those flaws got there from some action which again would make the flaws perfect. Even if we dont like it all the good and evil in this world are still perfect, every action or thought comes from a previous reason right before happening, if you bring purpose into it then you are projecting into the future and comparing it to something else, it's kinda like that song which say EVERY THING IS BEAUTIFUL IN IT'S OWN WAY, if you change the word beautiful to perfect it describes everything according to itself. and by seeing this it able you to understand that everything is indeed perfect already whether we like it or not lol. again if you can find something which happens without a reason then it would be imperfect. reason makes the next action or thought perfect. not that it would answer a question the way someone would like to be but it is still perfect.
free will has nothing to do with your surroundings i dont think, if you make a decision, and could go back in time to the exact time you made that decision you would make it exactly the same way. a split second difference would change your experiences and therefore give you a chance to make a different decision, but again all things being the same as when you made the decision you would make the same exact decision, if this is true then where would free will be,. anyways i love discussing issues like these i think it is a great way to spend time as it keeps us and our minds moving and to possible thinking of new things. i know i make long questions and descriptions but thats just the way i am lol take care and thanks for reading this
Is it hard to find someone who actually gives these questions much thought?
So are you saying that
-When you, for instance, try to do a trick on a bike and fall the decisions you made at that time are still perfect? or
-If you intended to run a mile in 7:00 minutes but instead ran it in 8:15 it is still perfect because it is the best you could do at the given time?
I know the definition of perfection is that the outcome is flawless... But I dont think an outcome would be considered flawless simply because it has a reason for its happenstance.. I think, like I said earlier, perfection is the fluid transition of imagination into reality which then requires the fulfillment of intent... It requires you to project an idea into the future and then requires, I should have probably explicitly stated, a retrospection of the action...
If the outcome of your action doesnt come out as you projected or thought it would then would your decision still be perfect?? Looking back at that 8:15 mile would you say %26quot;Oh, what a perfect run%26quot;? I dont think so... Perfection is hard to achieve because it requires that we have the %26quot;ideal%26quot; faculties to perform the task we desire to achieve and many times we find that we dont... so our actions are never perfect until we have achieved our ideal or perfect state of being (unless of course we happen to be lucky and a rock slides us just to the right and we make the rail on our bike... but luck is not reasoning so this would by your definition not even be perfection)
Do you get where I'm comming from?
Is it hard to find someone who actually gives these questions much thought?
Philosophy is not giving thought to a question, rather it is like thinking up the questions in relation to the answers. Finished in advance. Thus, if you say that every decision is perfect, there would be a perfect outcome, and because everybody is perfect, (God does not make rubbish) all outcomes would be perfect. Thus, the world would be perfect. See the error in the reasoning? The decision you make, is the one you must make, as you state so clearly. Not because it is right or wrong, but because that is how you learn. Some people need the same error 3 or 4 times before they get it, and some only once. And the rules behind the decision are, nature, nurture, expectation, experience, trust, religion, ethnicity, etc. All of them combined to a certain degree. Add more religion and take away some experience and the decision is completely different. You have to look at the garbage that that person is carrying with him/her as baggage. And the fuller the ego is of all that cr@p, the worse the decision becomes. And that relates to religion: %26quot;the sins of the fathers.....%26quot; What did the extended family, teachers, peers, acquaintances teach the child??? You are worthless!