How would you feel if your significant other used to be the same gender but changed into the opposite gender? How would you feel about your significant other then? and what would you do to him or her?
How would you feel if your significant other is?
three words bye bye baby your not worth the trouble
How would you feel if your significant other is?
so, your boyfriend is now your girlfriend?? as long as you don't feel like you are missing out on something sexually, since you are attracted to men and not women.... then it should work out ok I guess. He/She is still the same person, regardless of looks. So it's all up to you!
I think it would be different if a couple were of oposite sex, male and female, and one turned into the other. A much more difficult senario I think.
I think you can work with this one! Good luck!
i would find that quite strange for my liking. but if you truely love that person before you found out that they were of the same gender as you then you have to go off of your own instincts. and can you live with it for the rest of your life even if others find out about it.