Friday, 7 October 2011

I am not gay but perhaps I think I understand?

Many people are disgusted or repulsed by gay population. Whenever how right this idea came into debate. I always asked the others to place themselves in the gay people's shoes. Sounds outrageous? yeah but just pretend with me for a minute. What if the men were suppose to like men and the women like women. If you were considered 'gay' in that society and like the opposite gender, could others so easily change your mind as they expect in this society?

My point being, people look at gay people as some sort of an abomination when they are still human with different concepts that cannot be altered by just words. Why can't we all just have a little room for others to breathe?
I am not gay but perhaps I think I understand?
Exactly. It's not a hard concept to grasp.
I am not gay but perhaps I think I understand?
Uh, I am not gay, but I don't see what the big deal is.

If you prefer the company of someone of the same sex...who am I to judge...further more, what does it matter to me?
Thumbs up for being open minded. Luckily there are straight people like you that are more empathetic, and can happily co-exist without hate.
I agree with you. Unfortunately, the gays have fought all their lives to remain on the level of society. The blacks fought for their freedom and acceptance. Whites viewed the colored as a tool because of their way of living. But in the end, colored won.

Now its a racial ethic for gay people to be dismissed and be called 'different.' They are still fighting for equal rights for their lifestyles to this day. So I agree with you.
Why are you making it such a big deal? Being gay is perfectly normal and pretty much accepted these days. You still get phobic people and always will, but gay people have more rights then ever before and they are NORMAL. This isn't an abomination, it's natural and part of natures diversity.

You are not understanding of gay people because you think there is something to understand, which shows you see them differently, when they aren't different. They are normal and they are not something to be tolerated.
My golly I think you got it! All a person asks for is a little understanding. God bless you!
not really sure why you're getting pissed at right now. i say thumbs up to you dude! thanks for being open minded. i wish more people thought the way you do.
What if marrying animals was normal and everyone who married someone of the same species was considered a corruption of nature?

What animal would you like as a wife...Choose something that would be good for the honeymoon.
So are you as open-minded about polygamist, adult incest or pedophiles? Think about it.

I always asked the others to place themselves in the pedophile people's shoes. Sounds outrageous? yeah but just pretend with me for a minute. What if the men were suppose to like children and the women like children. If you were considered 'pedophile' in that society and like the little children, could others so easily change your mind as they expect in this society?

My point being, people look at pedophiles as some sort of an abomination when they are still human with different concepts that cannot be altered by just words. Why can't we all just have a little room for others to breathe?

Pedophile, gay, polygamist, incest, etc. It is all about morality and how you choose to judge. If you ask Harry Hay, the homosexual pedophile founder of the modern LGBT, he seduced a man as a child and he says he liked it and no harm was done by his choice.

Are we to believe him? If not, then the whole LGBT movement he started is a lie.