so, i wanted to know, how you can tell a babys gender without having an ultrasound? like, are there changes in your body?
just curious...
How can you tell without an utrasound?
None of the old wives tales about gender are accurate or reliable. Without an ultrasound, the only way to know the gender is to give birth!
How can you tell without an utrasound?
YOU DON'T!!!!!
you can't tell the gender of your baby without an ultrasound.
You can't tell without an ultrasound. There are changes in your body regardless of the baby being a boy or girl.
there are old tales of ways to find out what it is but they are never for sure. just fun little games to do.
You can't, until you see them when their born.
you can't, there is myths out there but i don't believe them, i believe the only way to tell is by ultrasound.
An ultrasound is one of the only 2 ways to know for sure if you are having a boy or girl. The other one is when they stick a needle into your belly button and take fluid from your womb (or something like that, I forget exactly what they do) And an ultrasound isn't always 100% either. There are wise tales but none of ever been proven to always being true. Some say the heart beat can determine boy or girl, but again none of those are 100% true.
Nope no way to tell. Online tests are fun and old wives tales are fun, but they don't determine anything. Though all the ones I took said girl and I had a girl this time and the last time they were right too. I did not find out for either of my kids. Not from me not wanting to know though. I do say wait and find out though. It makes the experience that much more special.
Know way for knowing for sure, its a 50/50 chance of guessing it right.
there are a few things people do..the ring test, where you have a ring on a peice of string and if it swings one way its a boy, if it swings the other way its a girl
Some people think that you carry higher or lower depending on the sex, Im not so sure on this one, my cousins wife carried really low the first pregnancy, had a boy, carried really high the second and has just had another boy