Friday, 7 October 2011

Sex-change opinions?

will you encourage / give support to a friend who decided to undergoes a sex-change operation? Or as one of her family members how would you look at her? will you give your support allowing her to make this decision. supposingly changing from a female to male. Or for yourself, if you doesn't like your gender, will you consider for a sex-change? Are you afraid of the pain and maybe you might lose your life. Will you still consider about it or leave it this way this gender god puts you in. The operation is so risky. i heard changing from a male to female is less risky than female to male.
Sex-change opinions?
To go through Gender Reassignment is hard work for everyone involved. If it were an easy task then a few more people would go through with the journey earlier.

Support from family and friends are valuable but many find it too difficult to comprehend and turn away.

Women see a new woman as a threat, so old male friends have to move away from the M2F, whilst men often see new men as a threat, so old female friends have to distance themselves from their F2M friends.

Loves sucks but if you are strong enough to stand by someone who goes through this change, please do. It can be rewarding for everyone.

As to the surgeries involved, each and every surgical procedure is risky. Trans Women often only require one major surgical operation, whilst Trans Men may have as many as eight operations if they can afford it.

In all cases infections are possible; necrosis happens occasionally; people can get a poor cosmetic result.

You do not suffer the pain during surgery, as you are anesthetised.

Before surgery there is the pain of humiliation and prejudice; countless injections for some; adjusting to new hormones; loss of family, friendships, work, home, respect and a life; long waits between endless psychiatrists and other mental health professionals

After surgery there is the healing process to go through. This is both physical and mental.

None of this is easy. I wish it were.

Is it something that people choose to do? Unfortunately it is something that chooses you. People are born with this condition. The only way to treat it at present is to go through with the physical transformation. Many never make it to completion and leave those behind wondering what went wrong.

So please do be a friend to someone who wants to embark on this journey. It is a real rollercoaster of a ride but it can be truly rewarding.
Sex-change opinions?
This may sound offensive too some in this forum, but the first thing I would do is let that person know that they are loved for who they are and would explain that %26quot;I don't understand why they would want to change that?%26quot; Maybe it's a self-acceptance issue, I don't know.

But, as a friend, I would still respect and support their desire to change even if I did not agree with it.
Your last sentence is the operative part of the equation...perhaps a lesbian relationship would be more productive for her...if you want to encourage her to go in a less drastic and permanent solution.

Good luck to her and you should continue your support of her decision process.
I would try to be a support for anyone contemplating transitioning from one sex to another. I would encourage them to build psychological and social supports and to try living as the other gender before undergoing radical sex reassignment surgery. If they were determined to have surgery to transition I would ask what way I could be useful or helpful to them and their process. Really just want them to be healthy and happy in the end.
I would be as supportive as I could possibly be. I honestly thought of a sex change when I saw how bad homosexuals were treated. But I am a woman inside and out. I can not change that. Just like a woman who feels like a man inside can't change that either. So I would love them and give them all the support they could handle.
I would respect the persons decision knowing that counseling is first required and would gladly lend whatever support I could offer.
well, of course id try to stop her... i woudnt want to risk her health for acceptance.. and besides, everyone shoud be hapi with what they are..
The whole idea is ghastly
In order to get a sex change operation, there are many requirements, including a mental health assessment and psychotherapy. You cannot just request this surgery because you want it. Many professionals will be determining if this is appropriate; hence, you don't have to determine if this is okay since someone else better qualified than you has that responsibility. Yes, I would support my friend or family member through this process. does not chose to be a transsexual and transsexuals eventually reach a point that they will kill themselves rather than live a day longer in the wrong gender. It might take forty years, it might take fifty, some make it as far as sixty but eventually that day comes. Against this the supposed risks of surgery are nothing and the only choice that is involved is reached........the choice to live.

And since you brought the Divine into this, I am a daughter of the Mother Goddess who claimed me as Her own when I was three years old. She made me the way I am and the answer I got whenever I asked why was simple %26quot;because you can do it%26quot;
yes i would support you and ure family too. thats what im planning to do with my life. hey tell me sum details pls if u do it. tnx