Friday, 7 October 2011

Hey do my survey!!! PLEASE!!!!!! i need at least 20 people?

Hey do my survey!!! PLEASE!!!!!! i need at least 20 people?

Hey do my survey!!! PLEASE!!!!!! i need at least 20 people?

its for my school

Advertising Survey

I am currently studying advertising and how much it influences peoples behaviour.

1. Your age?

2. Gender?

3. Income? yearly

4. In any type of advertisment, what is the first thing you look for (brand, product, colour schemes, person)?

5. Which type of advertisment do you mainly look at? (Magazine, Books, Internet, Television)

6. What is the biggest influence on you making a purchase?Advertising, Recommendation from people, Other

7. Do you think you can be influenced easily?

8. Do you believe that certain products will give you success with the opposite sex and why?

9. Explain why you prefer, an expensive brand or a cheap brand?

10. Do those loud, in your face commercials intrigue you or drive you away, why?

11. Explain how you think advertisment has changed your life?

12. Why do you buy advertised products?

13. Explain why you think products need to be advertised to get a good amount of people to buy them?

14. Are you more likley to buy something that is made out to look good rather than do its purpose?

15. Do you buy things hoping for a result similar to what happends in the tv?

16. What do you currently own that advertising influenced you to buy? Why? How?

17. Are you more likely to buy a product if there is a celebrity in the advertisement? Why/why not?
Hey do my survey!!! PLEASE!!!!!! i need at least 20 people?
1. Age: 19

2. Gender: Female

3. Yearly income: I%26#039;m looking for a new job at the moment

4. Product

5. Television

6. My own personal need/want

7. Not really

8. No, it just doesn%26#039;t work that way

9. I actually prefer the medium priced brand

10. They drive me away

11. Not at all

12. I don%26#039;t very often

13. So people know about them and what their benefits are

14. No

15. Yes

16. I can%26#039;t think of anything

17. Not really, no
Hey do my survey!!! PLEASE!!!!!! i need at least 20 people?
1. 18

2. female

3. $30,000 +

4. colour or person

5. tv or magazine

6. looking around and finding something i like

7. at times

8. hmm not really

9. depending on the prodcut as to whether i prefer expensive or cheap

10. piss me off

11. uhmm dont think it has

12. coz obviously i like them..

13. unsure

14. hmm not really

15. no, coz i no its just bullsh*t

16. uhmm my bonds undies...

17. not necisarly





6-Advertising and just what I se



9-Cheap brand since most of the time it is made by the same people/factory

10-Drive away,forcing you to do something

11-Tells you of prducts/shows that are new

12-Because they are shown how they work sometimes

13-Because they are exposed

14-It has to do the job

15-Yes,if I find it does not,I don%26#039;t buy it

16-Tarzos(with chips)-others but can%26#039;t think right now

17-No,they don%26#039;t rule my life.
Looks like a tax form!


3.Homemaker $0



6.Because I need it

7.NO!!! sells

9.Cheaper brand...I%26#039;m low maintenance.I prefer to spend money on my kids needs.

10.YES!!! I dont like to feel pressured

11.none at all

12.If it%26#039;s cheap

13.Whatever is popular and well known...Everyone will want it!!!


15.YES!!! But it never happens!!! Especially those damn stain remover ads.

16.McDonald%26#039;s is my only influence...mmmm Macca%26#039;s!!

17.NO...they are getting paid for that ad.I would Lie also.
1. 49

2. female

3. personally - nothing. household - $60,000

4. brand

5. television

6. recommendation from others

7. sometimes

8. NO

9. Cheap brand. I have a tight budget, so I go for the cheapest.

10.Drive me away, I usually change channels

11. It hasn%26#039;t. I only buy what I can afford if I need it.

12. Because I need it at that moment and I can afford it.

13. All companies advertise because there are a lot of people who will compulsively buy because they think that they are getting a good deal.

14 NO

15 NO I only buy what I want because I already know how it is going to work.

16 Nothing

17 NO
1. Your age? :87

2. Gender?:female

3. Income? 50,000

4. In any type of advertisment, what is the first thing you look for (brand, product, colour schemes, person)?:How cheap the price is

5. Which type of advertisment do you mainly look at? (Magazine, Books, Internet, Television):cupons!=magazinesss

6. What is the biggest influence on you making a purchase?:%26quot;BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!%26#039;%26#039;

Advertising, Recommendation from people, Other

7. Do you think you can be influenced easily?:i can be a chain puller

8. Do you believe that certain products will give you success with the opposite sex and why?:oh yehh..body lotion.. gets me younger an youger by the minute!

9. Explain why you prefer, an expensive brand or a cheap brand?:cheap... i LOVE bargon shoping.. speacially good will.. they have the cheapest things!

10. Do those loud, in your face commercials intrigue you or drive you away, why?:it keeps me going... i jus wanna buy the wholee store... (only cheap items)

11. Explain how you think advertisment has changed your life?:they alway keep me coming with the buy one get one free fraze

12. Why do you buy advertised products?:there just soo cheapp!

13. Explain why you think products need to be advertised to get a good amount of people to buy them? so it can get sold quicker

14. Are you more likley to buy something that is made out to look good rather than do its purpose?:no i buy something one if its cheap two ... for its purpose

15. Do you buy things hoping for a result similar to what happends in the tv?:oh yes .. or its a RETURN REFUND baybayyy

16. What do you currently own that advertising influenced you to buy? Why? How?:my body lotion....why because they said it reduces wrinkles an how... cuz i have to put it on 5 times a day... its a little helpfulling.. although.. i have to say.. my face is baby skiin prooof

17. Are you more likely to buy a product if there is a celebrity in the advertisement? Why/why not?:no cause if it deals with a celeb. then it is EXPENSIVEEE
1. 16

2. male

3. uhmm im just studying so im not working

4. brand

5. internet

6. advertising

7. no

8. no

9. cheap ones

10. no, but i just dnt care abt them

11. i could have more understanding on what they might provide me

12. because they convinced me

13. because they need to inform people in a convincing way

14. clothes

15. yah...

16. as of now, none

17. not really, all commercials are the same to me
Ah well.. ok i%26#039;ll do that :)

1. 23

2. Female

3. Looking for a job

4. Person

5. TV

6. Reading the label on the product

7. No

8. No it has nothing to do with products .. our great great great grandparents didnt need products to attract the opposite sex so what%26#039;s different now?

9. It feels more comfortable when it%26#039;s expensive means it might really work! (i know stupid)

10. They%26#039;re annoying !

11. I got to see products that i would never know about unless i%26#039;ve seen them advertised

12. I buy them cuz i%26#039;m curious and i think they might work, not becuz of their advertisement

13. They get advertised to introduce them to people not convince them to buy them

14. No

15. Of course

16. Vaseline%26#039;s new body lotion .. cuz i trust vaseline

17. No .. that%26#039;s what teenagers do

good luck ! :)
1. Your age? 23

2. Gender? Male

3. Income? $38,000

4. In any type of advertisment, what is the first thing you look for (brand, product, colour schemes, person)? product.

5. Which type of advertisment do you mainly look at? (Magazine, Books, Internet, Television) Television

6. What is the biggest influence on you making a purchase?Advertising, Recommendation from people? Usually if it%26#039;s recommended that%26#039;s good, otherwise if I need it

7. Do you think you can be influenced easily? sometimes

8. Do you believe that certain products will give you success with the opposite sex and why? yeah, like beer... for women

9. Explain why you prefer, an expensive brand or a cheap brand? Depends on quality and what the product is.

10. Do those loud, in your face commercials intrigue you or drive you away, why? I mute them. Because they are irritating

11. Explain how you think advertisment has changed your life? It makes my shows an hour long instead of 45 minutes

12. Why do you buy advertised products? because i need them, or i want them

13. Explain why you think products need to be advertised to get a good amount of people to buy them? because how do you know if you need it if it%26#039;s not shown to you. Monroe%26#039;s motivated sequence.

14. Are you more likley to buy something that is made out to look good rather than do its purpose? No

15. Do you buy things hoping for a result similar to what happends in the tv? Yeah

16. What do you currently own that advertising influenced you to buy? Why? How? Too much to list

17. Are you more likely to buy a product if there is a celebrity in the advertisement? Why/why not? No. They%26#039;re getting paid.
1. 17

2. female

3. im just a casual worker so i don%26#039;t know.

4. product

5. magazines

6. recommendation from people and adverstising.

7. no

8. yes they can make you more attractive (e.g makeup)

9. expensive brand because knowing its good makes me feel more confident.

10. yes im to annoyed by the commercial to notcie what they are really selling.

11. It makes me more aware of whats out there.

12. I%26#039;ll buy something if i like it.

13. So people are aware of them and will go out especially to get them

14. yes

15. sometimes.

16. umm make-up, clothes, i was influenced by magazines making them look good.

17. Probably if i like them, but if i dislike them it might turn me off the product.
1. 19

2. female

3. gee I don%26#039;t know dude I%26#039;m a student at work I make minimum wage

4. Person if they have a model advertising or an actor. Cleverness

5. television advertisement in books?

6. myself if I like something no one can convince me not to

7. no

8. maybe make-up perfume etc. Without makeup most women look bad

9. expensive but it depends with what if something is really cheap there is some sort of catch like it%26#039;s defective or something

10. drive me away why would I want someone yelling at me

11. I work in sales so it%26#039;s my job to sort of advertise to people but it%26#039;s made me see how a lot of companies lie

12. I need them or at least I want them.

13. how else will people hear about them. People have busy lives.

14. no

15. no I%26#039;m not that naive

16. How? bra Victoria%26#039;s secret they always convince me but they have good products

17. Yes If I already was looking for the product and I like the celebrity. It depends if the company chooses a celebrity who I like it shows what kind of integrity they have what kind of image they want

It was taking forever to spell check so sorry if anything is spelled wrong.
I%26#039;d answer to help you but you%26#039;ve got too many questions. Suggest you ask a FEW key questions like %26quot; what advertising do you notice (example?)%26quot; or similar.
16 and 1/2





How much it%26#039;s


Yes............... Because......... I don%26#039;t know.........

Cheap.......... because what%26#039;s the use paying more money for the same product..........

They drive me away.......They are annoying and tick me off!!!!

I honestly don%26#039;t know right off hand...........

I don%26#039;t............ Most of the time the products don%26#039;t work........

Because otherwhys people wouldn%26#039;t buy them

No........ I like something that does its purpose and gets the job done............ :)

No....... They always make it %26quot;look good%26quot; and %26quot;work%26quot; on tv, but truly, the products aren%26#039;t as great as they are made out to be..........

I don%26#039;t own anything right at the moment that has been greatly advertised

No............ They just put the celebrity in the advertisement to get people to buy it.........
1. 26

2. Female

3. $27,000

4. Product?

5. Television

6. Price and how/where it%26#039;s made

7. Yes, sometimes.

8. No not at all, because no product can create chemistry.

9. I prefer to pay less, but when you want quality, you must be willing to pay more. Some products are well worth the extra money while some just aren%26#039;t.

10. They usually drive me away if they are annoying, but if they are funny or interesting I will watch them.

11. The only way they may of changed my life is if I see something I like and then go buy it.

12. Because they remind you that you need something or the ad intrigues me.

13. It just broadens the spectrum and gets the word out to many more people. Word of mouth works nice too, but not like advertising.

14. No, looks are meaningless for certain things.

15. Yes, and most products disappoint me.

16. A lot of things...sorry too many!

17. A celebrity in an ad doesn%26#039;t mean much to me, unless it%26#039;s for a charity or something like that.