Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Why do straight men view their own gender as 'disgusting'?

Us straight women don't look at each other and call each other disgusting looking or get creeped out if we get even slightly intimate with each other, why do straight men do it?

Why do you look at your own gender with such disgust and act like your gender is the grossest thing you've ever encountered? I see it all the time. Men getting grossed out at bill board ads of guys lying around in their under wear, complaining about how they 'don't want to look at other naked guys' because ALLEGEDLY they think it makes them look gay. This is ridiculous. Why can't men respect their own gender and see themselves for the beautiful creatures they are? Why is beauty always and only limited to us females?

Messed up society I tell you....

BTW, I'm not trying to force Society to change (even if it SHOULD), asking a question won't make a difference obviously so don't complain or I'll just report your answer.
Why do straight men view their own gender as 'disgusting'?
Because men are way more insecure than women.

Many straight men must have their egos stroked and a defense to every claim to feel secure.
Why do straight men view their own gender as 'disgusting'?
well as a guy, you see a woman and you feel i guess like soft, not as in wussy but like gentle, and when you see a guy well he's just a guy, with a lady you act like a gentlemen and with a guy you can burp or release gas and you'll have a competition

dont know if this help but i guess this is how i see it
evolution.......we're programmed for breeding......
Um actually I think we're pretty okay with eachother. I mean in public bathrooms were shoulder to shoulder peeing, nobodys really weirded out. And usually when we are weirded out by bill board board pictures its because they really do look kinda... gay. Why would I want a product with some guy lying down almost naked.
Your question is a bit of a straw man, I'm afraid. You are over generalizing. Not all men view their gender as disgusting. I suspect your survey size is too small.

I'm a straight man and whilst I don't find other men's bodies physically attractive, I certainly don't regard them as disgusting either. I have no problem with physical intimacy between men or pictures of naked men. I can admire a sports star's physique without feeling either repulsed or sexually aroused. Men who complain about images of other naked men may well be compensating externally for issues about their sexuality they would rather not address directly. In other words, many outward homophobes are actually repressed homosexuals. Either that or they feel that behaving in any other way than disgust when shown a picture of a naked man may lead others to question their sexuality.
I dont believe they do.

Your experiences may show certain males as behaving %26quot;repulsed%26quot; by the male form, but really there arte many signs that males acknowledge and admire the male body.

Some of these are:

1. the glorification of athletes as superior males

2. the rise of bodybuilding and muscle training
Because I am homophobic and the thought of any guy being near me grosses me out.

I can understand a woman being attracted to a very handsome and fit male but for the most part, there is a lot to go wrong on guys like beer bellies, no butt, balding, sunken chest, overly hairy, etc. ...

Women are the more attractive for sure .
You make a good point here . But as a straight man I like my body at 45 I look dam good. But woman are fare more fun to look at than I.

Now if I were a duck and not dick and balls I would be the hot one.

Man was the prototype were a woman is Gods perfection Love.
Do they? Most of the guys I know don't really care. I mean, one of my friends is gay and the others aren't afraid of him or anything. I dunno though, maybe it's BECAUSE we have a gay friend that they're not bothered by this kind of thing.

I think it's only men that aren't comfortable with who they are that get freaked out by half-naked men, physical affection or gay dudes.
I agree with Bluebeard that your sample size is too small. Anyway, to answer your question.

Men do not feel disgusted when they see another naked man. We shower together (in the army), stripped almost naked to row a boat (sports), pee side by side in the public toilet (girls go inside cubicles, i think) etc. But if a man were to behave like he was trying to seduce, that's not manly; it does not fit into my ideology. Bodybuilders are manly, it fits into my ideology. If I were to see a lady trying to seduce me, the chemicals are different.

Try visualizing a man standing up (in the men's room) advertising underwear, compared to a man lying on a silk bed advertising underwear. Maybe it will help make my point.