this is who he used to be: Nice, caring, loving, virgin, honest, genuine, truthful, goood, dint smoke, he used to drink though, but thats ok, trustworthy...
he's changing...he wants to be: mean, rude, rough, tatooed, smoker, try drugs, and he's now desperate for sex.
the ONLY person in the world who has the power to prevent this from happening is me. he says being this new person makes him get things his way. its %26quot;cool%26quot;, strong, and makes him respected.
He's sharper and smarter. He said who cares for a nice guy anymore? nice guys always have to suffer, and go through pain.
I know he's right, but i think its not the solution. Being nice gives you a sense of inner peace and you aggree with me or him? am i right for being really worried and trying to change him? please specify your gender with your opinion. btw, he's 18.
I know
How do i stop him from changing?
give the guy a slap and say if hes going to turn into a **** then you may not want anything to do with him.
he may drop his bs when he realises you certainly dont like the 'new' him, and don't think hes at all cool. everyone suffers, 'tough' guys just pretend not to by ignoring their feelings. which is just bs and not productive at all.
its more than likely just a faze created by puberty combined with natural insecurity. he's going to pass through it at his own rate no matter how you feel. it's your choice whether or not you want to hang around.
you cannot change him. he has to do that for himself.
How do i stop him from changing?
He's 18. That explains everything.
You either love him for who he is or don't bother.
Honestly, u can't change people. He will have to realize it himself, and he may or may not.
EDIT, and yeah, Shanks is right, the dude is only 18.
PSALMS 37 tells it all.
So being demonic is a good thing? Never has been and never will be. Tell him to rebuke satan and keep living pleasing to our God. Good things will happen from being good and bad. Angelic men are the most beautiful people in the whole world.
The RIGHT girl will eye him some day. You need to tell him if he become satanic you are leaving and mean it or you both will be punished by God.
Its probably time to move on. It sounds like he has started down a bad road, and though you can certainly help him as a friend, continuing a relationship during this at your age is a bad idea.
A classic mistake people make is thinking they can change their partner. That is not possible. ONly they can change themselves.
Its time for him to choose. You or his new lifestyle.
If you stay with him as he goes down this road, you will walk this same road with him. In time you will decide to make the same choices he makes in a vain attempt to keep him with you. IN the end you will both lose.
Tell him how you feel. Trying to change someone who doesn't want to can only lead to trouble. Becareful he doesn't change towards you, if he does think hard about your relationship
He's not changing! He has always had these desires just something opened the way for him to express this. If these are not qualities you can live with you need to move on. You really don't have the ability to change what he will become.
You can reason with him but the decision is HIS. The only one you control is yourself, so you need to make up your mind if you can live with these qualities or not.
I don't want to sound harsh but better to make a decision now than live with the consequences forever!