Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Please answer logically, its for a sociology project people!?

Tell me EVERYTHING you would have to do to change your behavior if you were a member of a different gender (man or woman) NOT a member of a different sex- in our U.S. Culture.

Basically if you were biologically a woman and wanted to be perceived as a man... what changes would need to be made? Same with for men, if you wanted to be perceived by others as a woman, what changes would need to be made?

Keep in mind APPEARANCE, ATTITUDE, or BEHAVIOR (feel free to add other categories) those are just some to get you thinking.

One example: a man that wants to be perceived as a woman would try to lose weight to fit the %26quot;thin%26quot; idea of being a woman.

A woman that wants to be perceived as a man would act tough (no emotion, strong willed and such).

**Think of how you would help an alien (who has no gender identity) appear to be a man or woman in the United States.

Back up your tips with reasoning as to why you included them

:o) Thank you so much, i'm completing a project!!!
Please answer logically, its for a sociology project people!?
i am a male and this is what i would do to try and be a women


1.because i have short hair i would grow it out to a girlish length because women typically have long hair.

2.i would be women's clothes because if your going to be a women you definately need to look the part.

3.cosmetically i would get everything waxed or at least shaven to preven me from looking like a hairy old transexual prostitute.

4.wear makeup to give me that girlish %26quot;tent%26quot; i guess

5.never wear shorts so that my manly legs will be covered up


1.i would probably start to be more helpful and kind (not that im not now) and in a sense kind of motherly in a way to put of like feminie like feel i guess you could say

2.i would try not to do manly things like sitting with my legs spread apart or lean on a wall or desk or possibly even burt or fart be more girly i guess i would have to be a little bit more %26quot;flaky%26quot; (not to be sexest) but less to the point and more comforting in deliverence of information or other like things

4.always a positive attitutude because only fat ugly obeses women have bad attitudes.

5.some how make my voice more girly i guess through use of testosterone.

good luck with your project
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