i went around and found a good amount of stuff on this tho was not easy to understand fully
looking for basic answers
A: if a normal male went through surgery and became a female what is the proper term for this person ?
1.and if this person liked females still would they be gay or straight ?
2.if this person liked guys would they be gay or straight ?
3.if they went from male to female what gender would religion wise be better for thelm to go with ?
4.and also would this person have any trouble getting into heaven if they changed there gender like this ?
B: if this person before there change dressed female (crossdressing) how does that work ?
C: and if a male became female through surgery and whore female cloths would that still be considered crossdressing ?
by surgery in this question i mean went through all normal steps and hormone drugs and any other stuff that goes along in gender change
thanks for your answers
Christian religion rules on gender change?
A. either way it's called Transgender
1. pre-straight, post-gay
2. pre-gay, post-straight
3. doesn't matter religion-wise
4. no
B. go shopping first! hehe
C. pre-yes, post-no
Watch the Eli Stone TV episode about the transgendered priest (s02e09). Hateful people aren't tolerant, but good people are or try to be.
The Bible is anti-gay in the Old Testament (doesn't mention transgender), but then again; we don't sacrifice anymore and a lot of people eat pork.
Christian religion rules on gender change?
in islam it is said to be a sin to be a gay man, but it's ok for a man to become a women and have a relationship with a man.
as a result a lot of gay men become woman so as not to be severely punished.
go figure?
Interesting question Nayan. I don't know any verses that talk about gender change.
I was just having this conversation with some other Christian friends yesterday.
One must wonder if it could be considered a birth defect. Since we're dealing with the mind and its interpretation of what its body should be, it's definitely not concrete territory in the way that a missing limb is considered a %26quot;defect%26quot;.
It's foggy enough for me not to have a particular stand on the issue.
I don't know of any that have switched genders and then found those of their new gender sexually attractive.
Most homosexuals are perfectly content with their same-sex attraction. They have no wish to change their gender. Why go through a messy surgery? Those who push on for the surgery must feel something much deeper. Something I cannot begin to fathom.
if there is a god... i think it would be kind of like a slap in the face...
kinda like your telling him he made a mistake... so it would probably be a sin
idk... im kinda agnostic
%26quot;And there are some who prostitute even their own children and wives, and some are openly mutilated for the purpose of sodomy...%26quot; - Justin Martyr
Is this a freudian?
%26quot;C: and if a male became female through surgery and whore female cloths would that still be considered crossdressing ? %26quot;
No rules.
Sin is sin.
If you were born a hemorphedite (both sexes), that is a different issue.
Check out Mike Warnkey ministries, ( I think I spelled it right), they deal with 'unique' situations regarding Christian conversions, and I have heard they have worked with people who have had a sex change, then decided they wanted to be a Christian.
But to be a Christian, you must be WILLING to admit that you are a sinful person (like we all have).
So kill the pride first, and dont be offended.
Transgender or transsexual.
Before operation, straight, after operation gay.
Before operation, gay, after operation straight.
Universalist Unitarian, Reform or Reconstructionist Judaism,
Liberal Hindu or Liberal Buddhism.
In Judaism, heaven is the new age of peace - it may be that we reincarnate - it seems to make sense. If a person was a female in the last life and has strong identification as a female, it would be difficult to switch over to male in one lifetime. In medical terms, transgender dysphoria may be a very mild case of an intersexed disorder (a chromosomal or hormonal imbalance that causes an individual to have both sexual characteristics, or in this case characteristics of one sex, physically, and another sex subjectively). I can't imagine a person not allowed into the new age if they have been genuine about who they are. Judaism is about being genuine and not being a hypocrite. Besides, that's how God made them.
Crossdressing is in various forms. Some transgendered men wear women's underwear under men's clothes while others dress up on weekends or while home. Others crossdress as a permanent identity. It is a lifetime struggle for most people with transgenderism. They wish to identify with the majority culture, but struggle with a desire to be the opposite sex - most waffle back and forth.
After surgery, the person is the identity she believes she is, not what society tells her she is. Even before surgery, a person is who they believe they are - its society that has trouble understanding, not the person. The person struggles because of society's misconception.
A cross section of a human brain showed that a brain of a transgendered individual was like a female brain - leading to the theory that transgenderism is a form of intersex disorder that happens prenatally - that changes a persons development to varying degrees and in this case, only the development of the brain is affected.
If you're not reading the Book of Mormon every day then you're under condemnation.
it is not allowed or encouraged....wrong board