I am a straight teenager, but I think nothing is wrong with being gay.
I think that it is always better to be tolerant. When we look at the past, we always think how terrible racism was during the 60s, but the same thing is happening today with gays and lesbians. Until we learn to accept others, there will continue to be problems in our world.
I understand that some people interpret the bible to say that it is wrong to be gay, but I can't let this make me intolerant. Regardless of what the Bible says, God would want us to accept others. Whether or not you realize it, if you judge others for being gay, that is discrimination. Even if I were to agree that the Bible says being gay is wrong, why should it affect our laws? Our government is supposed to separate the church and state. The Bible's teachings have no place in our laws.
I believe that gays should be allowed to marry. Allowing others to have rights is never wrong. If you think it is wrong to have a gay marriage, you do not need to get one. A gay couple getting married does not affect you. However, you not allowing a gay couple to get married affects them.
You may argue that homosexuality would ruin the %26quot;sanctity of marriage,%26quot; but that is already happening. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. I think the destruction of love ruins marriage far more than the union of two loved ones, regardless of their gender.
You may say that marriage is something that is within the church, so gay marriage cannot happen, but this is not true. Marriage does not need to be through the church. Anyone can get a marriage through a judge, without any connection to the church.
You may say that tradition dictates that marriage should be between a man and woman, but should we do something just because it is tradition? I think the world is always the best when it is most progressive. Because people refused to break tradition we lived in the dark ages, we lived through slavery, and we lived for years without woman's suffrage. It is time to make a change.
You may say that gay marriage will lead to people wanting to marry family members or animals, but this is absurd. How many people have you met that honestly want to marry their dogs or sisters? The idea that gay marriage will lead to these kinds of weddings is ridiculous.
A question for those of you who are straight and against gay marriage: If God/society suddenly said that being straight were wrong, could you change your lifestyle and become attracted to your own gender? Would you be able to change your attraction just because someone said it is what you should do?
I would honestly like to hear your opinions on this issue. I think everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. If I didn't allow others to voice their own opinion, that would be hypocritical of me. I think a healthy discussion makes us all understand each other better.
Do you think gay marriage is wrong (please read my details)?
no one cares what you think. Sounds like your gay, and wanting to know about marriage. Nothing wrong with being gay, be proud.
Do you think gay marriage is wrong (please read my details)?
Gay people should be allowed to be in unhappy marriages as well. Equal rights for everyone.
We are very worldly people that is why now days everything should be %26quot;acceptable%26quot; and we ignore what God wants for us. We are suppose to live in this world not be part of it.
Yes, God loves us all, but has made clear He hates sin. any type of sin, big or small it is all the same, SIN. I personally dont live my life how people say is acceptable, but how God says its acceptable. Following the Bible, not the government or society. God made me, not them. I believe if He wanted us to be with same sex gender, he would have created two eves or two adams.. I am a christian and do not support ungodly behavior. I do think gay people can be nice, loving, hard working, etc just like any other person, white, black, chinese, hispanic, etc I have a friend that is homosexual and he is very nice, he knows where i stand on the topic, and what i feel about it. and yet we get a long great! Tradition does not dictate anything. I do not fallow tradition but instead I follow God. and He is not a God that changes hi mind. everything is been written. and is ready for us to follow it. Society can change things as many times as it wishes.. but that does not affect me in anyway as I follow God who created me. God wants us to accept people not sin. why should i care about pleasing people and not pleasing God? it doesnt make any sense. The real problem here is that WE want what WE want. and we should want what God wants. The world is going this way only because we follow our on way and desires, and not God's. So its our on fault.
It is absolutely disgusting! It is an abomination to GOD. Absolutely disgusting!
I agree with you. How others feel and how they choose to live their life is up to them as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. If you don't approve, then you don't have to approve of it, but you shouldn't deny others their rights.
A church shouldn't have to marry a gay couple if they don't feel it is right. As I doubt a gay couple would want someone to marry them if they didn't truly approve of their marriage.
Marrying an animal or object is ridiculous. Neither of those can consent to marriage. Family members is a different story. Personally I wouldn't want to marry a close relative, but there are cases of those who fall in love with them. If that's how you feel, then that's how you feel. I wouldn't want to deny two people who love each other rights. It doesn't hurt anyone, except the possible children they could bring into the world. Is it anymore wrong for them to have kids than those who know their offspring will inherit certain conditions? Morally I feel both are wrong to have kids. There's plenty of healthy kids you can adopt.
Being gay is not normal and is not right. People who get depressed and are suicidal is just as abnormal for human survival. However there is currently no proven way to turn a gay person straight. There's no medicine they can take or treatment they can get. Even if there was treatment, should they be forced to get the treatment? That's like telling everyone who has any condition that they must get treated for it.
I find it insane that people use religion to persecute people, deny them rights, and even do hurtful and cruel things to them. I can't believe that the god they worship would stand by them and yet send a gay to hell because of the way they were born.
First of all Gay marriage is wrong(No offense) ,And if God wanted us to be gay He would have made Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve. God made it very clear that He loves us but hates Sin so idk why people keep asking and bringing up dumb questions(not saying your dumb). Yes Im a christian and read my bible , Think about this - %26quot;Gender, race and impairment all relate to what a person is, whereas homosexuality relates to what a person does%26quot; so yes it is a choice . And annyone who says , %26quot; Ohh people wrote the bible and what do people do at best? make mistakes%26quot; I'll throw this one at you , Who told You being gay is alright? PEOPLE and what do people do at best? Make mistakes . So dont try to use that against me , But anyways You make your choices and decided what you want to be .
1) Do you think gay marriage is wrong (please read my details)?
Of course.
2) I think that it is always better to be tolerant.
The prohibition against gay marriage is not about tolerating homosexuality. It's about
* moral principles
* benefits paid by taxpayers
For those who *desire* gay marriage, it is (in my opinion) entirely about the second issue.
3) When we look at the past, we always think how terrible racism was during the 60s, but the same thing is happening today with gays and lesbians.
Perhaps - but that is not relevant to the gay marriage issue.
4) Until we learn to accept others, there will continue to be problems in our world.
The prohibition against gay marriage
* does not prevent homosexuals from entering monogamous relationships
* does not prevent them from solemnizing such a relationship in a church or other religious setting
* does not prevent them promising before witnesses to be faithful to each other for the remainder of their lives
* does not prevent them from legally deeding all of their personal property to their significant other
* does not prevent them from legally ceding right to medical decisions in cases of incapacity
What the prohibition does is prevent them from obtaining a marriage license - that is, from entering a *state-recognized* contract that also allows them to obtain financial benefits **intended** to encourage the formation of nuclear families - which saves taxpayers gobs and gobs of money. Providing those same benefits to an entire *class* of couples who are almost certainly never going to be involved in the raising of children (which is what saves taxpayers so much money) is (from my point of view) a glaring misappropriation of funds.
5) I understand that some people interpret the bible to say that it is wrong to be gay, but I can't let this make me intolerant.
Understandably. We're not talking about intolerance here. We're talking about gay marriage - should it be legal or not. Will gays be better tolerated if gay marriage is made legal? No. Will gays be less-well tolerated if gay marriage is prohibited? No. Tolerance is NOT the issue.
6) Even if I were to agree that the Bible says being gay is wrong, why should it affect our laws?
I could give you probably a dozen reasons - none of which would matter to someone who is not a Christian. As far as laws go, what the Bible teaches is irrelevant. What **is** relevant in our society is how the majority of voters vote. THAT should (and does) affect our laws. Our society is based on the idea that the voters should decide our laws - regardless of the reasons behind their voting.
7) Our government is supposed to separate the church and state.
You clearly do not understand that concept.
8) The Bible's teachings have no place in our laws.
In that case, I suggest (respectfully!) that you move to a nation which does not allow citizens to vote, OR to a nation where the majority of voters are not Christian. In OUR society, whether or not the Bible's teachings have a place in our laws is decided ONLY by the voters - not by you, not by me, and not by the government. That is how our society was constructed to operate, and that is how it should operate.
9) I believe that gays should be allowed to marry. Allowing others to have rights is never wrong.
Ridiculous. Should pedophiles have the right to have sex with minors? What about when the minor agrees to do so?
Should rapists have the right to rape women?
Clearly you have not thought this through.
10) A gay couple getting married does not affect you.
I have already given some examples of how it does - and the kind of effect that Americans are most concerned about - a negative monetary effect.
11) You may say that tradition dictates that marriage should be between a man and woman, but should we do something just because it is tradition?
If the majority of voters agree that we should do some particular thing just because of tradition, then: yes. If the majority of voters disagree, then: no.
12) I think the world is always the best when it is most progressive.
I would argue that legalizing gay marriage retards progress (see above).
13) Because people refused to break tradition we lived in the dark ages, we lived through slavery, and we lived for years without woman's suffrage.
Is that why? Perhaps you should take a decent U.S. history course. High school should provide enough information to disabuse you of these particular misconceptions.
14) How many people have you met that honestly want to marry their dogs or sisters?
About as many as I've met who want to marry their homosexual partner. Probably there are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, in the U.S. What's the chance that you or I would meet such a person? Not very high.
15) If God/society suddenly said that being straight were wrong, could you change your lifestyle and become attracted to your own gender?
No - but if society made heterosexual marriage illegal, I would not seek legal marriage. I would still seek marriage within a church, would still make vows in front of witnesses, etc. The only difference - it would not be a state-recognized contract. It would still be a marriage in the eyes of God. Such a relationship is, of course, not illegal - for homosexuals or for heterosexuals.
Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com