Saturday, 24 September 2011

What are your opinions on this article about "Gay is wrong" ?

The teenage years are your hardest years of your life. At this point of time, it is where you learn the most about youself and truly discover who you really are. As one gets a wrong impression about their identity, their whole future is on the line. It is very easy to make a wrong choice, especially if it involves your future directly. Deciding that you are attracted to the same gender or becoming gay would be one of those fatal mistakes.

There are many types of feelings. Some feelings are inborn. Others are from the enviornment and how you are raised. All of us have some feelings we didn’t choose, but we still have the power to resist and reform them. As you’re discovering, you have had some feelings towards others of the same gender. What you’re feeling is not bad or wrong. The wrong thing is yeilding to those feelings. Everyone is tempted to do some things that aren’t right. That’s not unique. Some people just have to be temped with certain things that others don’t have to be. If we give in to those temptations, they will increase in power and become even harder to resist.

You may feel that these urges to become a homosexual are coming without your power. You may also feel that you have no control over them and that is who you are supposed to be. Yes, those feelings are coming involuntarily, but they don’t need to be acted upon. Our society has the notion that merely because one has an inclination to do something, that it has to be carried out and those urges can’t be avoided. The truth is, we can avoid and stop those feelings. We do have the power to control our behavior.

Here is a young gay man that may change your outlook on deciding to be gay. This narration is not only about this man’s expereience, but is told by him:

“My name is Eric and I am a homosexual, or simply put, gay. A few years ago, I wanted to be with a partner. I wanted another gay man to spend my life with. Since marriage isn’t an option (unless we go to California), I wanted someone who would be willing to live with me. Soon after this decision, I found a great gay man named James. He wasn’t all that I was looking for, but he was wonderful anyway. A couple of months passed and James just wasn’t working out with me. We fought a lot, he was negative all the time, he didn’t know how to cook and wasn’t even willing to learn, and he was constantly telling me my faults. He soon moved out and I became single again. Now, a year later, a single ‘straight’ woman has moved into the apartment next to mine. Ashley, as this was her name, is one of the best girls I have ever met. She has so much more to offer than James did! By meeting Ashley, it made me realize that I didn’t want to become gay at all. It occurred to me that there is more to ‘choose from’ in women than there is in gay men. I have more of a variety and a better chance I’ll find a more rewarding relationship. After meeting Ashley, I decided to no longer be gay. As of a year and half, Ashley and I are happily married and have a beautiful little baby girl.”

By understanding these important issues about being gay, one really sees the advantages of being “straight”. When picking an eternal companion there are more choices. In relation to the numbers of women there are to gay men, there are more women to pick from. If you have more women, there is more of a chance to find the “perfect partner” that is just right for you.

The homosexual thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not good to have. They shoud be controlled and eliminated. By yielding to these thoughts and feelings, you will have consequences. You will forever look at a male and have lustful thoughts if they are not controlled.

If you do decide to “become gay”, some things that people say will have a profound effect on you. They will say words that people use to put down others that are related to gay issues. By being gay, these words will become even more offencive to you.

Becoming gay also means that you will most likely find another gay partner. You could then decide to get married in California where gay marriages are legalized. You should know now that that would not be a wise decision in the first place. Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeudic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices. People with these feelings cannot enter marriage in a healthy relationship.

Another reason for not becoming gay is missing the oppourtunity to have natural children. As you well know, if you are a homosexual you can’t have children with your same sex. You will be missing the great joy and satisfaction of having a baby that is you and your wife’s. There is something special in having a child. Yes, you can adopt children, but the feeling of love and compassion that is there when you have your own child will not be the same.

The wisest for you, who is afflicted with same gender attraction, is to strive to extend your horizon beyond just your sexual or gender orientation. Try to se
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
I Think it's a load of bull crap
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
I think it's wrong!
My opinion on that article...

The whole article is just an opinion in itself, the opinion of, probably, the one person that was involved in writing it. Everyone has an opinion, doesn't mean I care about this one.
Yeah right!!!! That's bullshit, the good one
I think that this article is heinous. Its proof that some people value form over substance. Why follow your heart when you can do something that looks good?

The guy in the article who decided not to be gay went through a lackluster relationship. That happens to everybody. He acts as if women were so much better. I have seen my straight friends go through some pretty horrible relationships. Every relationship that you go through will fail, until one doesn't. People often need the experience of a few relationships before they settle into the right one. That's life. If someone wants to lie to themselves and believe that everything is perfect because their relationship is heterosexual, then they can be my guest. I don't want to waste my time contending with that mental bs storm.